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Y axis jumping, seems to be gcode related  

Active Member
Y axis jumping, seems to be gcode related

So here's a weird one.

I've been printing happily but every so often I'll get a print that fails in a really weird way. The y axis will jump about 5mm up and continue to print perfectly fine like it skipped steps. Normally I can figure out the cause of that (power issue, physical movement, or something similar) but here's the weird part: it does that in the same spot when I try to print the item again.
This has happened on a couple different g codes, both from simplify 3d and slic3r. I'll reslice the file and it will work perfectly fine. I used to look at the gcode file and there doesn't seem to be any jumps in the file.
I threw the exact same gcode into another printer and it ran fine, so I don't think it's in the gcode exactly, but something else in the way the printer reads the files. I'm using an i3 with octoprint on a raspberry pi, but printing off the SD also has a similar result.
here's one of the weird gcode files: the jump happens on layer124

Anyone got any ideas? I'm stumped as to what might be going on.

Twitter: @firr

Postato : 28/04/2016 12:15 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Y axis jumping, seems to be gcode related


There are several things which cause this; there are many posts in these forums with solutions.

Try the high power mode, if that fails then could be due to you not having correct acceleration setting in the start gcode.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Postato : 28/04/2016 9:46 am
Utenti Moderator
Re: Y axis jumping, seems to be gcode related

Hi Will,

I had a look at your file, and the layer 124 is a bit specific: it's making some flat layer on top of a wider infill hexagon, and lots of the lines used to make this flat layer does not have proper support on the underlaying structure (to big hexagons size).

I have a potential hypothesis:

What I suspect is that some filament, having no proper support below, start to stick with the new line being extruding, and at some point pull the print while the nozzle is moving.

I've encounter some issue with slicers (tried slic3r, KISSslivcer and even had someone do it on Simplify3D for me) not able to properly make a covering layer in some situation, only solution I got for now was to dramatically increase the infill percent to increase the support layer density.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Postato : 02/05/2016 6:17 pm