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Y-Axis Belt coming loose  

Eminent Member
Y-Axis Belt coming loose

Hi, I have had my Prusa MK2S Kit up and running for about a week now. I am very happy with the way it prints. I have run a full spool of Hatchbox White PETG, some PLA and ABS. They all seem to print very well. The only problems/failed prints I have had were slicer issues using Cura.

I do have one issue though. The Y-Axis belt has come off three times over the last week. Each time it seemed to occur right after the print completed, or prior to the next print, as I have never seen a print fail due to the Y-Axis belt. The belt appears to slip out of the back holder. The loop just seems to slip or maybe pop out the side. I'm not exactly sure, I have never actually seen it occur. I always find the problem when I am trying to start the next print.

I searched the forum, but did not see anything on this topic. Has anyone else had an issue with this? How might I solve this issue?

Napsal : 05/10/2017 2:05 am
Active Member
Re: Y-Axis Belt coming loose

I'm certainly no expert, but something I would look at is the y axis motor and pulley to see if they are centered correctly. This would cause the belt to pull to one side, and if that side has the opening, it will slip out with the constant motion.

A good way to check this is to look straight down with the y axis pushed all the way back. If you see both the top and bottom part of the belt, then your pulley and motor are not quite aligned with the heated bed plate.

Good Luck!

Napsal : 06/10/2017 11:59 pm