Why is my head crashing on the bed after MM upgrade?
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Why is my head crashing on the bed after MM upgrade?  

New Member
Why is my head crashing on the bed after MM upgrade?

I need some help.
I finally managed to upgrade my MKii to MM, and now I am unable to calibrate the printer. Something I never had a problem before the upgrade
I start a calibration XYZ.
All way to the top is fine.
The first 4 point are done fine, one pass is enough.
When it starts the 9 point z calibration it always crashes against the bed on the 4th point. No matter what.
I already have a nice dent on the bed (which is ok as it will have no effect on prints), but how can I fix this now?


Publié : 24/08/2017 11:07 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Why is my head crashing on the bed after MM upgrade?

Check you Z-axis. Is it out of alignment? I had the same problem with my system, without the MM upgrade. Somehow my Z axis got knocked out of alignment by a just enough so that when starting a print it would crash into the 4th calibration point. It also did to point 3, but it was more sever at point 4.

To fix it I just moved Z axis all the way up and when it hit the top/stops it was re-aligned and has printed normal since.

- 1st "printer" TIKO 3D
- 2nd PRUSA i3 MK2S with MMU v1
- 3rd PRUSA i3 MK2S
- 4th PRUSA i3 MK3 with MMU v2- 5th PRUSA i3 MK4 (upgraded from MK3) with MMU v3 (upgraded from…

Publié : 25/08/2017 2:33 am
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