Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture
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Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture  

Eminent Member
Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

I've started upgrading my Prusa 1.75mm to MK2. In "1. Y-Carriage drilling", Step 10, there is a picture of the PSU. Mine is missing the black panel on the small sides and the PSU reinforcement is therefore too big... Would Prusa be able to please send me the missing part?



Postato : 18/06/2016 7:19 pm
Utenti Moderator
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

Hi Phil,

you can use the chat on the shop site to get in touch with the support, it will be more efficient to talk directly with them.
As community members, we won't be able to help you much in case you're missing a part.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Postato : 18/06/2016 7:26 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

Hi Phil,

I performed the MK2 upgrade on my i3 today and also have what appears to be an older PSU cover which only covers the long sides of the power supply and not the end as shown in the instructions.

What I ended up doing was to just align the new support piece with the rib on the side and glued it in place. I used CA on all surfaces that made contact, but it did leave a sizable gap at the rear of the supply. At some point I will probably design and print a filler piece, and glue it into place to fill the gap.

The structure seems very strong even without the contact patch at the back of the supply.


Postato : 19/06/2016 7:04 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

Thank you both. I've just chatted with Dan who requested some pics. He will then send me the stl for the missing side panels.

Postato : 19/06/2016 5:24 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

Cool, it sounds like you are getting it sorted out. Just for completeness, here is a picture of the finished product with my PSU and the "PSU reinforcement" piece glued into place. You can see the gap created because the PSU cover doesn't wrap around the end the same way as the unit shown in the upgrade assembly instructions.

Other than that, everything else with the PSU to Y-axis support lined up and went together perfectly.

Postato : 19/06/2016 9:34 pm
Moderatore Moderator
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

Our PSU-reinforcement part doesn't fit either, yet the black PSU cover goes all the way around our PSU? If we were to glue it on their would be that huge gap the same as in the above picture, which is surely going to compromise stability and accuracy?! You'd think they'd make sure the part fits! 😡

I've emailed Prusa so hopefully they can send a corrected piece...

Postato : 06/07/2016 12:23 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

If anyone else is still experiencing the same issue, I've made a new PSU reinforcement which fits quite nicely. It can be downloaded from: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1694871

Postato : 29/07/2016 11:11 am
Trusted Member
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

Our PSU-reinforcement part doesn't fit either, yet the black PSU cover goes all the way around our PSU? If we were to glue it on their would be that huge gap the same as in the above picture, which is surely going to compromise stability and accuracy?! You'd think they'd make sure the part fits! 😡

I've emailed Prusa so hopefully they can send a corrected piece...

Hi 3Delight,

I don't think it will necessarily compromise stability and accuracy. It is up to the glue to provide the stability and even with the gap at the back there is still plenty of overlapping surface to glue the pieces together. Everything indexes on the rib along the side of the power supply.

For the most part I think it is more of a cosmetic thing than a mechanical shortcoming. The piece that Prusa Research provides works fine for both the older and newer style PSU cases.

I was originally planning on printing a filler piece, but at this point I'm probably just going to leave it as it is.


Postato : 29/07/2016 4:59 pm
Moderatore Moderator
Re: Upgrading to MK2 / PSU different from picture

That's pretty much what Prusa have said Roger. I might try printing off ClosedCircuits piece above and see how that fits. To be honest I could just print of a new PSU cover with the part added if I could be bothered.

Postato : 29/07/2016 10:24 pm