Uneven calibration print: printbed not level?
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Uneven calibration print: printbed not level?  

New Member
Uneven calibration print: printbed not level?

Hi, i'm thinking my printbed is not levelled, this is a calibration print:

As you can see, the first line(s) are ok, but the last lines are printed/compressed too thin on to the bed and not even extruding at all near the end.
I would think the height calibration would account for any differences in front/rear, but apparently that's not the case.

What can I do to properly resolve this? Should I rebuild?
Also my print sheet is pretty hammered, is this still ok?

Any help / suggestion is welcome and appreciated.

Postato : 18/03/2017 6:39 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Uneven calibration print: printbed not level?

Yup, looks pretty smashed into the bed at the front. There's only so much auto bed leveling can do.

Take a look at the smooth rods, are they firmly seated into the notches of the corner pieces?
Is your bed screwed properly onto the black metal holder thingy?
Is the Z-axis frame (dunno the proper word for it in english) at a right angle to the bed or is it leaning forward? Maybe tighten the screws holding it upright some more? Oh, if you haven't done so already, put the latest firmware on it. Version xxxx.10 irc. I think bed levelling works better with that one.

Do a full XYZ calibration from the printer menu.

With respect to the PEI, can't really tell how deep these scratches are, but I sure won't change it now. Not until you get the thing more level.

Postato : 19/03/2017 9:04 pm