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Trouble in chapter 4, step 24  

New Member
Trouble in chapter 4, step 24


I have a trouble in step 24. When I put belt around the GT2-16 pulley, the belt is not aligned with the hole into 3D printed part (see picture). So I put some washers for remove this distance but this is not enough....the belt scrape the 3D part. Do you know why?


Napsal : 17/11/2017 10:53 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Trouble in chapter 4, step 24

You mounted the pulley the wrong way around.
The set screw needs to be close to the free end of the shaft, not close to the motor.

If there is anything that doesn't fit, DON'T try to change other things to make it work, go back and make sure you followed the manual exactly.
The manual is really good and if you follow it precisely you will be rewarded.

Good luck!

Napsal : 17/11/2017 11:25 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble in chapter 4, step 24

Oh yeah, sorry this is a stupid's better.
Thank you very much.

Napsal : 18/11/2017 9:54 am