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The difference between fantasy and reality  

Active Member
The difference between fantasy and reality

Hi There, 3D community and precious people.

Glad to join this distinguished group and yes. I am a newby too and making my first steps into the 3D printing issues.
I have managed to finish the assembly of my PRUSA i3 MK2S a week ago (within 2 days of the last weekend) and must emphasize that
i enjoyed every moment.
Needles to say that the start point was promising, Yet, the ongoing results were not as much as the begining.

I am facing an endless projects and 3D Modeling should make my life much easier as far as my business process is concern.

Please refer to the attached photographs which i assuming are self explanatory

Please pay attention to the cube and the hexagon (both with holes)[/size]presented
The cube was a 5 hours of printing and the hexagon over 10 hours - Printing process Collapsed after almost 85% of job in both cases.

The other examples presented here are for comparison (these actually were the first objects which i have printed after finishing the assembly)

Any thoughts and/or ideas?

Thanks for your help.

P.S.: Printing material was PLA - at +/- 212 °C for the Nozzle temperature and 60 –70 °C for the Bed temperature (Both 0.2 MM)

Posted : 29/07/2017 4:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
The difference between fantasy and reality

Continuing the files

Posted : 29/07/2017 4:15 pm
Noble Member
Re: The difference between fantasy and reality

It looks like something caused the printer to skip steps in a big way.

Things to check and look for:

1) Make sure the extruder cable bundle is elevated and does not "sag down". As a print get taller, it can catch on that bundle and cause this type of skipping.
2) If your PINDA probe is too low (near the nozzle) a bit of warping later in the print can catch it causing this type of slippage. It should be approx 0.6mm up from the nozzle.
3) Make sure all of your belts are tight. Loose belts can cause skipping, but they are more random than your image.
4) Same with an intermittent connection or frayed wire, again would be more random than your image.

Let us know what you find.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 29/07/2017 4:19 pm
Honorable Member
Re: The difference between fantasy and reality

also watch out for power fluctuations.

when i first started printing i had a similar shift occur during an overnight print. i checked everything and nothing was loose when i sat there watching it everything was fine once again.

a couple days later i ran a large print and came home to find another layer shift however it was much higher then the first shift in layers.

while starting another test print, i had a power spike in the house. and i saw what it did to the printer.

I went out and bought the biggest APC i could find locally.

hooked it up and never had that issue again.

it even saved a print for me that was running 4 hours and we had a power failure for about 45 minutes and the monster APC kept the power running to the 3d printer until the main power came back on.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Posted : 29/07/2017 7:04 pm
Eminent Member
Re: The difference between fantasy and reality

Also, why are you using 100% infill? That's a huge waste of plastic and the reason your cube is a 5 hour print rather than maybe 90 minutes.

Try it with 15% to 20%

Posted : 30/07/2017 9:08 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: The difference between fantasy and reality

Dear Freinds
Thank you so much for replying and sharing with me your thouths about the possible technical feilor of my two projects.
I will follow your instructions and will advise the outcome.

As i am living at the hotest place in my country (40 Degrees C and some times 45 at mid day), we are facing here electrical spiks and electrical mulfunctions on a daily basis due to the fact that the Power consumption is reaching an enormus levels as air conditioners around us operate 24/7 during the summer and your idea definately crossed my mind just before applying to the forum's help.
(Needless to say that i was asleep during the feilur of my two big projects).

Yet, if you will take a closer look at picture with the 5 elements which i have printed, you will be able to see the height differences between them and the other 2 projects, which brought me to think that it may be that my printer's Z axis is mulfunctionig at a certain point, but as alredy indicated i am newbie and may be its just a beginner thoth's.

I will definately recalculate my process again - 😉

Thanks again
Further information and outcome to follow

Posted : 30/07/2017 7:36 pm
Eminent Member
Re: The difference between fantasy and reality

I had the same issue with the layer shift. What solved it for me was turning off Silent mode and using High power mode instead.

Posted : 01/08/2017 3:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: The difference between fantasy and reality

Hi guys

I have promised to revert with my technical problems which meantime i have succeeded to resolv thanks to your precious help and advise,
so here are the main points:

1. The X-Belt became some how to loose, so i have re-stretched it once again.

2. My PINDA position was to low comparing to the nozzel position. Fixed that too,
but must admit that it required a lot of energy and patience to finalize this process.

3. Electrical spiks and power mulfunction and that ofcours solved by purchasing a UPS

Thanks againg for your help

Posted : 05/08/2017 11:53 am
Estimable Member
Re: The difference between fantasy and reality

Hi guys

I have promised to revert with my technical problems which meantime i have succeeded to resolv thanks to your precious help and advise,
so here are the main points:

1. The X-Belt became some how to loose, so i have re-stretched it once again.

2. My PINDA position was to low comparing to the nozzel position. Fixed that too,
but must admit that it required a lot of energy and patience to finalize this process.

3. Electrical spiks and power mulfunction and that ofcours solved by purchasing a UPS

Thanks againg for your help

The belts tend to naturally stretch and become loose after time, especially after initial set-up and use. Good practice to check somewhat often.

Posted : 05/08/2017 8:14 pm