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Suddenly Filament not sticking to bed  

Estimable Member
Suddenly Filament not sticking to bed

All of a sudden I am having a heck of time getting the first layer of filament to stick to the build plate.

I am using IC3D 3mm Natural Color ABS filament. I have tried nozzle temps at 280C-295C and increased bed temp to 120C but nothing works.
I also switched back to the Prusa filament as shown in this video but the problem persists.

The build plate is tempered glass with both glue-stick and ABS juice. Could this be a filament issue or what other things can I do?

Napsal : 28/08/2015 8:19 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Suddenly Filament not sticking to bed

Are you sure the bed is properly calibrated? May there be residues of fingerprints or oil from the steel rods on the glass plate? I would put the glass plate in hot water with washing-up liquid ~1 hour and wipe it clean with a towel.

Napsal : 05/09/2015 8:02 am