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Second layer woes  

New Member
Second layer woes

Before we moved house, everything was working perfectly for me. Now that we've moved, I have been trying to get printing again and have run into a puzzle. After unpacking, I went over the printer to make sure everything was intact, tight, and square. It passes XYZ calibration perfectly. I can print V2calibration no problem. I can print JeffJordan's calibration square no problem ( ).

Now I want to print the Prusa logo and everything falls apart. The first layer prints just fine. The second layer doesn't even try to adhere to the first. It's like the nozzle is sitting much too high when printing and the material is just dropping down out of the nozzle.

A picture here:

My immediate thought was that my first layer was being squished too much. I've printed and aborted this about 15 times tonight, backing off the live z adjustment, just a little (0.01-0.02) at a time. Even at the point where the lines of the first layer were not sticking together (but the first layer was still printing successfully) the second layer would not stick. The next print after that is when the first layer does not adhere to the print bed.

I've re-set my PINDA probe and recalibrated XYZ. I've also updated to the latest firmware. And, it's a MK2 (not MK2S)

I'm sure someone else has seen this before, but my searches have been un-helpful.

Any and all ideas welcome!

Napsal : 23/07/2017 6:49 am
Noble Member
Re: Second layer woes

Hmmm... presliced file, not slicer settings.

I am wondering if your z-stepper is slipping or skipping.

Are you in High Power mode, not silent mode?

If you "Home" the machine from the front panel, then settings-move axis-z up and down, does it seem to return to the same spot?

It is either a mechanical binding in the z axis, or somehow the calibration mesh is not being applied correctly?

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Napsal : 23/07/2017 4:32 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Second layer woes

Thanks for the reply!

Going to home and then manual up/down on the Z-axis looks like it is returning to the same height.

I've been in high power mode - I'll try to print in silent and see what happens.

Napsal : 25/07/2017 4:52 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Second layer woes

No love going down to silent mode.

In a fit of desperation, I reverted from firmware 3.0.12 to 3.0.10. Recalibrate XYZ, re-adjust live Z. it's now printing the third layer of the Prusa logo and it's looking good.

I won't declare solved until it finishes the print though 😀

Napsal : 25/07/2017 5:52 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Second layer woes

Yup, the Prusa logo printed just fine on firmware 3.0.10. Very strange, but I won't complain. Once I print the things I need, I'll re-flash 3.0.12 and see what happens!

Napsal : 25/07/2017 3:25 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Second layer woes

Hi.I am also facing this strange issue after upgrade and reverting back to 3.0.10 resolved the issue.

Napsal : 18/09/2017 1:27 pm