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[Closed] SD Card reader not working  

Stránka 4 / 5
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working


Try re-seating and re-routing the ribbon cables. Try wrapping the ribbon cables in aluminium foil.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 25/12/2016 10:33 am
Eminent Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

I already reseated the cables, that was my first thought as well. As far as wrapping in aluminum foil, the problem exists even when the motors are turned off which basically rules out noise from the steppers. I did some more reading, and it looks like there was a bad batch of LCD boards a while ago, maybe it happened again or I got unlucky. I'm going to contact Prusa directly and see if they will send a replacement.

Napsal : 26/12/2016 8:32 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

I'm having similar issues to a couple of other people in the thread. MicroSD card + adapter almost never works (maybe 2-3% of the time), but an old straight SD card works every single time. I haven't wrapped the cable at this point, but I'm highly skeptical of that working considering the consistency of both SD always working and MicroSD almost never working.

Napsal : 08/01/2017 3:44 pm
New Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

I have made several attempts to contact customer service - and sent email follow up - never had this issue on first build of orignal I3 - now upgrading to the Mk2 it seems to be broken - I have sent email to now I am being told it will take weeks, or days to even respond to the issue.
Not happy - Does anyone know how to run the final first layer calibration without using the LCD ?

I have tried multiple "fixes" from the chat people.... removed cables, re seat them, tried new card, tried formatting card - tried new formatted card and reformatted - nothing works...... used old style card formatted and nothing.....

Napsal : 12/01/2017 11:08 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working


You can print using Pronterface. Simply copy the contents of the SD card to your PC, connect to the printer and send the file.

Or you could invest in a RPi and print via OctoPrint (or similar).


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 12/01/2017 11:11 pm
Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working


I'm not sure to understand your issue. What exactly is not working, the LDC/Control Panel or the SD card ? If the LCD is the issue, does it work if you switch cable with the SD card reader ?

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 13/01/2017 12:59 am
Eminent Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

My problem is that both the reader and LCD are flaky. I've just been using octoprint and a raspberry pi, so I haven't thought much about it. I get weird output on the display periodically, but it doesn't affect the prints.

Napsal : 19/01/2017 3:39 am
Honorable Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

Power or Flaky SD card connections.. I do not have any of these issues. My Genuine Prusa MK1 to MK2 upgrade works out of my work and careful building. Micro SD cards inserted in adaptors work for me.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 19/01/2017 3:58 am
New Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

I had also big problems with most types of sd cards. Some types are working and other-ones absolute not. Get message that the sd card is detected as inserted but no files found for printing. Also the LCD display was disturbed, missing lines, if inserting some cards. I added a ferrite core over the flat cable and all problems are solved. Stable with all type of cards I have and no missing lines on the lcd.

Napsal : 27/01/2017 1:10 pm
Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

hmmm... would be a good idea to change the whole LCD 2004 board, if one is at hand.
i ordered a spare part (ebay, 8,71€ for the whole thing, from hong kong incl. shipping) at the beginning of january, which arrived here this week.

if the problem persists after a change, there's something fishy with the rambo board or it's power supply.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 27/01/2017 2:09 pm
New Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

I had this issue as well. I'm working on a Linux system. I had attempted a reformat, then a fdisk/reformat to 2G and then started working with old SD cards. I attempted a 16 megabyte SD first (even tried it a second time after mkdosfs), but it was an old 256M Sandisk that I deleted everything from (no reformat) and added a folder "test" with a "test.gcode" file in it.

Looks like it is some formatting issue to be sure, but I can't speak to partition size issues that might be impacting others. At best I can add the suggestion to scrounge up some other SDs and try them one by one until one works. These files are tiny so there is no need for a large SD.

Napsal : 05/03/2017 9:50 pm
New Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

Just built a kit, and have printed a couple test files, everything printed well. It seems the SD reader has an issue. The LCD shows
that a card is inserted and Print from SD will most of the time display the files on the card, but I cannot reliably scroll through the files. Once every 10 tries, I can make it to the bottom of the list, but most other times it freezes on the first or second list item and resets to the info screen if I try to select a g code file. After this occurs, when I return to Print from SD, there is only the word Main. Then I hit the reset button, or remove/replace the card and try again. Ive swapped ribbon cables, which caused the display to not work at all, and rerouted the cables as suggested in other posts with no change. All other functions of the LCD work well, with no scrambled characters or glitchy action. Any ideas?

Napsal : 16/03/2017 12:01 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

Just to give a bit of balance to potential readers.

I've finished my Prusa I3 MK2S last night. Absolutely no problems with the LCD or the SD card. I've used the card around 20 times at this point. no problem.

Napsal : 19/03/2017 7:14 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

just got my pre assembled 2 weeks ago. shipped wrong power cord. waited a week for a replacement. printed one file.
come down this am to print another and the lcd is giving the no sd card inserted error. have since gotten it to recognize
the sd card is inserted but it will not load any files or recognize the sd card on the next menu screen. something is definitely
screwy with these lcd. i mentioned to prusa that my lcd was actually free in the box, as it was not attached or secured to anything
during shipment so it was free to bounce around. literally first thing i saw when i opened the box and pulled top foam insert off,
looked like somebody just tossed it in there. not impressed so far with my purchase at all.

Napsal : 20/03/2017 5:51 am
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

2 chats and 2 emails and still PRUSA waits to review my complaint and replace faulty lcd panel. Not impressed. Seems someone is getting to big for their britches. I have been nothing but patient and kind yet they seem to busy to ship out faulty part replacements although the website claims they do it within days. Been waiting 5 days for someone to acknowledge they received my email. Get it together prusa.

Napsal : 30/03/2017 6:18 am
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

Prusa authorized replacement of lcd and cables. My advice if you have a faulty hardware issue is document it with pix and video. Realize Prague is on the other side of the planet so expect some reasonable delays and an occasional language breakdown. My emails may have been to detailed and in some ways confusing? Thanks prusa I look forward to getting back on track with my printer.

Napsal : 30/03/2017 10:47 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

so unfortunately my lcd and ribbon cable replacement did not work. there is something else wrong with my printer. what a bummer. this is not a fun process. replaced the new wires and lcd but still neither the original prusa sd card or the one i bought to troubleshoot works. card is recognized but when i go to print from sd card there is no data. formatted sd cards and tried again still no gcode is available on the sd card. time for this printer to be sent home. what a bad experience.

Napsal : 07/04/2017 7:41 am
Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

Hi Sean,

The way you describe your problem let me think that it's rather a format issue than material issue.

How exactly do you format the SD-card ? From what material and what operating system ? Is it an integrated SDCard reader or an external USB device ? (I just hope it's not a Mac because I have absolutly no knowledge on this area).

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 07/04/2017 2:08 pm
Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

I made some test with a 8 GB card.

Using a MBR partition sheme, a FAT partition is perfectly listed, but limited to 4 GB. A FAT32 is perfectly listed and can use 8 GB.

Using GPT partition shceme, you have exactly the behavior described by Joan, the insertion of the SD card is detected, but "No SD card" is printed on the screen, and if you go inside the card you see an empty directory.

Conclusion: Double check that your sd card is not using GPT.

To ensure what partition table style is used, I used Partition Wizard from MiniTool, which is an excellent free tool.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 08/04/2017 1:04 pm
Estimable Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

Very useful info christophe.

This is one of the things I've been curious about (should get my printer in a couple of weeks 😀 ).

FAT and FAT32 work, have you tried exFAT?


Napsal : 08/04/2017 5:21 pm
Stránka 4 / 5