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Screws don't tighten  

Eminent Member
Screws don't tighten

Hi, I bought my printer assembled. I just recently took the extruder apart to clear a troublesome clog. Now that I'm putting it back together, I noticed that a couple screws don't seem to tighten at all.

The lower rear/left heatbreak fan screw doesn't tighten. Nor does the upper left screw in the extruder body. I don't see where a nut is located. Do these screws just float and rely on the others? I don't think it was stripped, as they never gave any indication that they were tightening.



Respondido : 22/04/2017 8:36 am
Reputable Member
Re: Screws don't tighten


Seeing nobody responded yet, I try my best - not really good at this 😉

See the matching steps in the build manual here (for MK2S): http://manual.prusa3d.com/Guide/5.+Extruder+Assembly/295

if i recall correctly, the hotend fan has no nuts, it screws into the printed part.

The upper left screw in the extruder body.. i think we're talking the one marked in blue here in Step 7:

if so, that one is a slightly longer M3x25 screw, and it has a nut (see 3rd picture in Step 4)

Hope this helps. Otherwise, consider it a *bump*

Respondido : 22/04/2017 3:09 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Screws don't tighten

Thanks that was exactly what I needed. I had two of the screws in the wrong places.

All back together now, and printing a batman logo.


Respondido : 23/04/2017 1:18 am