Real issue with extruder zip ties and X-axis belt
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Real issue with extruder zip ties and X-axis belt  

Active Member
Real issue with extruder zip ties and X-axis belt

Ok, had my first real issue after one day of toying around. The X-axis belt wouldn't pull the extruder to the right end.

After lots of failed calibrations I managed to find the reason:

In the Assembly Instructions: 5 Extruder: Assembly step 31 - Tighten the extruder cable holder

the advice is to tie the zip ties with the lock piece down and left (looking from the front).

However, after final assembly, these two zip ties will collide with the Rambo box before X-axis left end stopper. The X-axis engine pulled the extruder to the left stopper with force and overtightened the X-axis belt. The X-motor pulley had also become loose. The belt was so tight that the engine didn't have enough power to push the extruder far right anymore.

After changing the extruder cable zip ties pointing up, loosening the belt and tightening the pulley back to its position, all if fine again.

I would change this part in the instructions so that zip tie locks for the extruder cable holder would point up.

The bad thing is, this problem managed initially to mess my configuration so bad that the extruder pushed with full force right down the middle of my heat bed. It left a mark, but hopefully the prints will stick to it anyways...

Respondido : 22/07/2017 8:21 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Real issue with extruder zip ties and X-axis belt

Too happy too soon. I cannot get the X-axis to work. The alignement won't keep during th print.

Here are some examples. Any ideas what to do? New X-axis belt?

Respondido : 22/07/2017 9:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Real issue with extruder zip ties and X-axis belt

Got it. The problem had also jammed my X-axis idler. Got that loose again and loosened my belt even more and now it seems to print ok.

Respondido : 23/07/2017 11:16 am