Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files
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Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files  

Trusted Member
Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files

May be it is a dumb question to ask. But I am just curious if I grab the STL files from PR site. I know all MK2 mechanical parts are printed in ABS (Orange), and electronics printed in PETG(Black). Do I need to resize them if I reprint mechanical parts with PETG instead of ABS? How many percent do I need to resize them in Slic3r? Thanks.

Opublikowany : 17/10/2016 4:55 am
Patrik Rosén
Reputable Member
Re: Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files

I don't print ABS (too many options which is healthy and doesn't warp) but I don't see why you would need to resize them?
When I'm dialing in a new material or a new brand of a previously used material I always print a test cube with some holes in it and take measurements from it, to make sure that my extrusion is ok. So print a 20x20x20 mm test cube and see what it measures when done. If its close enough go ahead and print your parts!

Me on 3dhubs!
Opublikowany : 17/10/2016 9:19 am
Honorable Member
Re: Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files

I broke the PINDA attachment part of the extruder body during the build and then I printed a replacement part from orange PLA, because that's what I had available, and I did not really think about it.
Now it dawns on me that PLA melts at a much lower temperature than the extruder can reach.
But so does ABS.

Are there any official instructions on what material should and should not be used to print parts for the MK2?

Opublikowany : 19/10/2016 9:39 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files

In general you should stick with ABS for any parts that will be anywhere near the hotend. Yes, the extruder can get hotter than ABS, but that's not the point. If the fan is working correctly then you will never have any problems, but if the fan is not cooling correctly or there is something else going on, PLA will melt much quicker than ABS.

Also consider that ABS's failure mode is bending, whereas PLA's failure mode is shattering. I quite prefer the former in most cases. 🙂

Opublikowany : 19/10/2016 9:59 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files

Thanks, Omicron.

I think I might print the replacement extruder housing using polycarbonate. I bought this printer because it can do that, so I might as well start to cut my teeth for PC printing with a useful part.

Opublikowany : 19/10/2016 10:18 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files

Thanks, Omicron.

I think I might print the replacement extruder housing using polycarbonate. I bought this printer because it can do that, so I might as well start to cut my teeth for PC printing with a useful part.

You might also try a high strength, high temperature PLA, such as Raptor PLA from MakerGeeks.

Opublikowany : 20/10/2016 4:12 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Question regarding to reprint parts from the original MK2 STL files

I am printing my spare set of parts with PTEG now. It seems to work pretty well and the fitment is fine.

Opublikowany : 22/10/2016 9:12 pm