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Problem after multiple prints  

New Member
Problem after multiple prints

Hey everyone. I was hoping someone could assist me with an issue. I built my kit a little over a week ago. I have been printing parts to build my Enterprise D Warp core. I have been pretty much printing non stop over the last few days and everything has been going great until yesterday. I had to print 5 of my phase adjustment coils and i have been printing them one at a time. The first one printed great like all the other parts, but the second part you can clearly see something changed toward the end of printing, and now the thrid, fourth, and fifth one i printed are having the same issue. Attached is a picture showing the first (bottom), second (middle), and third(top) print of the coil I did. I thought maybe something came loose. I checked a bunch of the screws on the bed, pulleys, etc and nothing is loose. I also don't notice anything vibrating. Any thoughts or insights are appreciated.

Postato : 15/05/2017 7:03 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Problem after multiple prints

I'd try a cold pull, maybe gunk accumulated in the hotend.

If this only happens after printing for a long time, there could be an issue with the hotend fan.

Also, check the filament diameter. inconsistent thickness could cause gaps like this too.

Postato : 16/05/2017 4:26 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem after multiple prints

I will have to check that stuff if it happens again. I ended up resetting xyz calibration, adjusting the pinda probe, and recalibrating. That seems to have fixed it. The screws were tight, but i wonder if after so long of printing and being under heat and vibration if the pinda just moved slightly. Hopefully this doestn't happen often.

Postato : 16/05/2017 6:47 am