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Prints not sticking and warping  

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Prints not sticking and warping

So about a week ago my print have started warping or having trouble sticking to the bed on the first layer. I decided to adjust the probe to see if that was the problem, went through the calibration process again and decided to do the V2Calibration print while live adjusting z. I have attached pictures of the result.

Is my hot end just too high off the print bed? To me it seems like it's the right height but the print still comes loose at the corners. I'm printing with Prusa's white PLA.

So I lowered the z more and got a mostly perfect V2Calibration print, went to go do an actual print and the final picture above was the result. For some reason my prints are just not sticking to the print bed. For that print was printing with the same filament and was using all of the default settings in Slic3r.

Veröffentlicht : 16/12/2016 11:47 pm