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Printing parts from Github  

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Printing parts from Github


I want to build a Prusa i3 with the parts from Github and asked a friemd with a Printer to print this parts.
He asked me, what conditions about quality, filling factor and this things.
Please, can anybody help me with informations? If able, in german language, my english is not so good. But better in english than no Information, please.

Kind regards

Publié : 28/03/2017 9:57 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Printing parts from Github

Here is what I used for mine..

3 Perimeters
4 bottom layers, 5 top layers
25% infill

Google translated:

3 Perimeter
4 untere Schichten, 3 obere Schichten
25% Füllung

Publié : 28/03/2017 3:35 pm
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