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printer stuttering  

Active Member
printer stuttering

My prusa i3 3mm stutters while printing. These are not my videos, but the behavior is essentially the same as these:

Whenever it starts to make a curve

Here are all the things I've tried so far:
check wires to verify they are in good shape
check connections on rambo mini board
re-oil all axes
take apart extruder, clean, oil the gears
clean nozzle
enclose to protect against cold drafts
re-level the bed
turn off octoprint timelapse
reboot pi
power cycle everything
power cycle and then reboot
tighten belts
install new firmware (incidentally, the new FW renders the LCD useless)

I've tried printing before and after all of the steps listed above and I still have the same stuttering behavior. It can print a straight line ok, but once it has to curve it starts to stutter. It doesn't always stutter in the same places each time.

I won't be able to fix the printer for a few days, so please give me a list of new things to try. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Opublikowany : 10/11/2015 9:34 pm
Estimable Member
Re: printer stuttering

Hello, have you used the slicing software to see if the layers within the object contain many small trails (where the extruder head may jump between nearby trails and stutter) ? I experienced this once when some trails where just a small path and this pattern was repeated from layer to layer.


Opublikowany : 12/11/2015 7:51 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: printer stuttering

I tried some of the same gcode files that worked previously to rule out slicing problems. It stutters on every file, whether sliced by kiss or slic3r.

Opublikowany : 12/11/2015 9:56 pm
Member Admin
Re: printer stuttering

probably it's the problem of the Pi, have you tried printing from SD card?
And if LCD is useless after FW upgrade, you uploaded wrong FW.

Michal Prusa

Opublikowany : 16/11/2015 7:30 pm
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: printer stuttering

Stuttering is caused by buffer underrun. What are you printing? How big is the STL? How big is the G-code?

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Opublikowany : 16/11/2015 7:38 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: printer stuttering

I was running the latest version of Octoprint on Raspberry Pi Model B+. The stuttering happened for large and small files, with kiss or Slic3r.

I swapped out to a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and everything works fine. So it's a Pi / Octoprint issue. I wanted to try a print with timelapse on the Raspberry Pi 2, but now my nozzle is clogged. I'll reply again if the issue resurfaces.

The LCD screen still doesn't work, but I don't care. Thanks all for the replies.

Opublikowany : 20/11/2015 10:43 pm