Printer resets/browns out when pushing the LCD select button
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Printer resets/browns out when pushing the LCD select button  

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Printer resets/browns out when pushing the LCD select button

Got the kit a few days ago, spent the last 2 nights building it after work. Fantastic kit, went together perfectly.

Very excited to get printing, after I installed the drivers and plugged the printer into mains power the LCD lit up and gave me a choice of languages. The rotary encoder works but make no noise upon changing the selection. When I try to select a language and press the button on the LCD, the LCD goes blank, you can hear the power supply "pause" and the unit resets.

I have gone over all the wiring, and to the best of my knowledge everything is plugged into where it should be.

The power supply is set to 110 as I'm in the US.

I know I'm a bit tired from work today but I am mega bummed out right now.

Any ideas on what I might have done wrong?

I was thinking about removing one item at a time from the main board to see if I can eliminate any potential points of failure but not getting past the language select screen seems like it shouldn’t be related to any motors, fans or heaters as none are active.

The printer is detected and is reporting its status to Pronterface.

I am at a loss, please help? 😥

Publié : 04/02/2017 6:17 am
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