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Pretty sure this is what caused the failure  

New Member
Pretty sure this is what caused the failure

But I wanted to check anyway. I got my new MK2S all calibrated and fired up. First print was a logo, second print was a triceratops skull. I may haved jumped the shark a bit, but I decided to go for a pangolin ( ) for the third one since everything was going so fantastically so far. Also decided to go for a 0.1 mm print because I'm not sensible.

After almost 24 hours of printing everything went to poop. See the pictures attached, but it appears that the printer stopped advancing properly and defintely overheated. The pangolin is all fused together in the upper levels.

I was completely at a loss as to figure out why until I noticed the heat sensor was detached from the print bed. I stuck it back on and am recalibrating, and will check with some small prints prior to trying again. But would this have caused everything to overheat and go crazy so high up?

Publié : 28/07/2017 2:51 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Pretty sure this is what caused the failure

because I know the little pangolin quite well, I can see that you've got a small layer shift in -y direction for about a mm as well, right at the line where there should be the little step underneath the eye.

btw. for the pangolin I'wouldn't recommend layer heights below 0.2mm. with lower layer heights the probability of upcurling parts increases... and with it the probability of the probe hitting such an upcurled area as well (which might then lead to such layer shifts).

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Publié : 28/07/2017 11:51 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Pretty sure this is what caused the failure

Thank you for your help! I should have taken better pictures, but it was actually smooshed evenly all the way around, which is why I think it's related to the probe.

I fixed the probe and did a couple of test prints and they went fine so I restarted the pangolin. I didn't see your comment about the layer height, unfortunately, so I started at 0.1 mm again but it's almost done and seems to be going fine. We'll see if it has full functionality when it comes off.

Publié : 29/07/2017 9:39 pm
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