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PINDA dislodge -> XYZ cal. fail  

Active Member
PINDA dislodge -> XYZ cal. fail

Hey guys
I started my prusa today in the morning for a 14 hr print and went to work.
When I came home, the PINDA probe had unscrewed itself and of course the print was totally lost, plastic everywhere...
So I cleaned the mess, started testing the printer and ran into problems...

- The self test went fine (although the hotend fan oscillates a little in speed).
- The inital 4 point calibration went fine.
- The 9 point calibration failed with "calibration compromised, unable to reach front left corner".
The manual suggests that I need to adjust the screws holding the Z axis frame, but is that realistic? Obviously, the extruder has been all over the place, it appears to have toothed over in the far end of the axes, but is it possible that this has distorted the whole frame?
It used to go through the calibration with "slightly skewed" or "perpendicular"...

What would you guys do next if in my situation?

Postato : 23/02/2017 6:01 pm
Honorable Member
Re: PINDA dislodge -> XYZ cal. fail

Lets have some photos.

I bet you pinda holder is bent, easy to fix with some tape / gum / acetone /sugru.

Postato : 23/02/2017 6:23 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PINDA dislodge -> XYZ cal. fail

The failed print. Plastic everywhere... This was the sight which met me when I entered the room. On the right X axis motor, you can actually see where the PINDA bottom fastening bolt fell off. Still sitting there.

The PINDA probe. It had not been torn or twisted. Just the bottom screw fell off, due to not being secured well enough. The mount appears fine.

The Y axis motor. All appears fine. The white MP jet connector is in a buffer, keeping the motor from being twisted backwards as the belt is tightened.

The printer seen from the front..

From another angle..
Here, on the heat bed right next to the power supply at square 4,2 you can see some damage where the PINDA hit the heat bed during recalibration.
Since it passed the self test after, I guess I can still use the remaining 200 mm on the X axis until the replacement heat bed arrives...

NOTE: The belts are tight as before the accident and all parts seem to be moving as they should, except I get that "calibration compromised" error.

Postato : 23/02/2017 6:50 pm
Honorable Member
Re: PINDA dislodge -> XYZ cal. fail

If you measure the diagonals where the bolt meet at 90 degrees, do you get the same values?

Also check that all the zip ties holding the bed to the x-frame are still tight with no play.

Postato : 23/02/2017 8:04 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PINDA dislodge -> XYZ cal. fail

Hmm, while I waited for your reply, I put it on its side and cleaned the remaining debris and "massaged" the bed movement back and for gently a little.
Re-ran the calibration and it worked this time.
Printing as we speak, although I still have to get a new heat bed due to those nasty marks the nozzle made at first. Not my printing day to day 🙂

Thanks for your help and suggestions.

Btw, measuring the diagonals as you proposed would be my next step if not for the massage working - But I'd have to wait until tomorrow evening, because I don't have a ruler long enough at home and have to borrow from my employer 🙄

Postato : 23/02/2017 9:39 pm