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Overextrusion on 45deg plain starting point  

New Member
Overextrusion on 45deg plain starting point

Hi all,
I have just started playing with newly built-in MK2S kit. Most of the prints are very good, especially not much calibration was done by now (slightly adjusted the extruder step, calibration for 0,45mm width run perfect even without calibration, haven't tried anything more as I was basically satisfied with all results).

However now I run into a small issue. Tried to print this element:

Actually it was lying on the part with the hole as this one is later visible. The longer plain part was 45deg to bed. When printing the element printer started each layer from the same corner (on photo - upper left corner of element). This caused that corner to build more and more up, so the layer was not flat, the starting point was getting more and more elevated. The higher we go, the more plastic, and of course nozzle was pushing this plastic each time it got to that point.

During the print I have lowered extrusion down to 85%. But it kept going like described. As this part is not visible when mounted then it is still usable element. But clearly the higher we go, if starting the layer from one point for similar object ill always have such issue.

Now - I was thinking what to do with it. First idea - change the retraction. Those are defaults:

Length - 0.8
Lift Z - 0.5

I am planning to increase the length of retraction, not touching Lift Z, maybe later even setting lift Z to 0.

There is also a matter of retraction speed. Now its set up to 35mm/s (which I heard may be limited by firmware to 25mm/s anyway, but have to check it with latest firmware I use). Will it make any difference to make it faster? Or maybe slower?

And the key question is - is the direction I'm going correct or not? Maybe it has nothing to do with the retraction?

Other settings like temp - 210/55, during print I lowered to 200 when noticed the problem, hoping that if the filament is to "liquid" then it may help. But noticed not much difference.

Ill past the photo of element later when I can get it.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Postato : 04/01/2018 3:26 pm