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Noisy X Axis bearings  

Estimable Member
Noisy X Axis bearings

I assembled my MK3 last weekend and noticed that it seemed like it rattled a bit during the calibration. Now that I've done a few prints I can easily tell that the noise is coming from the bearings for the X Axis. Is there anything I can do about this aside from ordering new bearings? I was extremely careful installing them, and they went on much easier than the ones on the Y axis, so I don't think I damaged them.

Is there something I can do without disassembling the entire axis?

Veröffentlicht : 22/02/2018 2:35 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Noisy X Axis bearings

Does it sound like a scraping noise? like the pulley is scraping on the plastic? Mine had the same issue. After about a days worth of printing it started to sound really bad, then I noticed belt shavings forming under the x axis idler pulley. I also noticed that the belt was rubbing up on the front side of the idler, and no matter what I did I couldn't keep the belt from riding up onto the front side of the pulley. I then found out that Prusa has updated the x axis idler side part. R2 is now the revision number on the part. If you have the older version that looks like the picture I have attached, I recommend printing out the new version and installing that one. The idler pulley is misaligned in the older version. The old version is the orange one, notice the top is different than the new version, the white one.

Veröffentlicht : 23/02/2018 7:29 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Noisy X Axis bearings

I assembled my MK3 last weekend and noticed that it seemed like it rattled a bit during the calibration. Now that I've done a few prints I can easily tell that the noise is coming from the bearings for the X Axis. Is there anything I can do about this aside from ordering new bearings? I was extremely careful installing them, and they went on much easier than the ones on the Y axis, so I don't think I damaged them.

Is there something I can do without disassembling the entire axis?

You might have to disassemble the whole access. If you do replace the x-axis idler pulley side, you will need to remove the belt, and that would require that you remove the extruder carriage to gain access to the belt connections. If you do end up doing this I would recommend that before you do, you also print out this modified back so that if you ever need to take the belt off again you can do so without removing the whole extruder carriage, . If you have this modified extruder carriage back on, then the idler side of the x-axis can be removed without disassembling the whole x-axis. I just moved the z-axis up near the top, but not all the way, then used zip ties around the x-axis bars and the frame just to hold them in place. Then I loosened the belt by removing the top two screws on the x-axis motor, and removed the belt from the idler pulley. Once this is done, you can remove the top printed part of the right z-axis motor, and pull off the smooth metal rod. Place the printer on the side of a table, remove the right z-axis motor screws, and the zip tie that is holding the z-axis motor wires to the frame. This will allow you to unscrew the threaded rod from the x-axis idler side printed part. Just let the z-axis motor rest in the motor mount. Next step is to gently pull the x-axis idler printed part off of the x-axis rods. Then reassemble in the reverse order once you have replaced the idler pulley into the new printed part.

I also added this geared pully to my x-axis as well when I had to take mine apart a second time, but it does require some bearings, and a .25mm nozzle, but I think it was well worth it. .

I hope this helps.

Veröffentlicht : 23/02/2018 7:57 pm