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Newly built printer restarts when heating up  

New Member
Newly built printer restarts when heating up

Hello all,

Wanted to see if I could get some tips on troubleshooting this. I recently put together the i3 MK2s kit and during the initial self-test it will reboot as soon as it gets beyond checking the fans. I am able to reproduce the issue if I go in to preheat as well (on any settings.) The LED on the heated bed will flash for a second before cutting out.

So far I have redone and verified the wiring a few different times along with the 110v/220v option; I am in the US and thus I have it set to 110. One of the fuses actually blew the very first time I turned it on and so I changed all 3 just in case but since then these have been fine. All motors will move correctly and without issue during tests. I do not see any cuts or marks in the wiring which could cause a short but I haven't tested everything individually.

Are there any good steps that I can do to verify where the issue is coming from? I contacted support and they wanted me to check all of the wiring again but if possible I want to see if I can nail down exactly what it is. So far it seems like it could be a short somewhere that I haven't found, the heated bed, or the power supply. I am currently at work but will have access to my printer in a few hours where I can do the testing; I have access to a multimeter but not too much experience with it.

Thank you very much for any help that can be provided. I tried searching first and the solutions that others have found seems to not resolve my specific case.

Respondido : 26/06/2017 11:07 pm
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: Newly built printer restarts when heating up

Double check your 110/220V switch, someone here had the same issue: http://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/prusa-i3-kit-building-calibrating-first-print-main-f6/printer-reboots-on-selftest-and-preheat-t4761.html#p34775

Respondido : 27/06/2017 8:08 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Newly built printer restarts when heating up

I tried to do just that and the latch definitely won't move any further down, it still clicks down as well. I tried to capture a picture of this but couldn't get the lighting and focus perfect; here it is if you are able to zoom in and see it.

It may still be the PSU but I'm not sure of the best way to test the voltage on it. Going to be checking that next.

I also found a few posts that may help test the bed and hotend so I'll be working on that as well. If you or anyone has any other suggestions I'd appreciate it.

Respondido : 28/06/2017 3:24 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Newly built printer restarts when heating up

Using the menu, turn on the extruder heater (set temp to 100 degrees). Does the printer reboot? If it does, you have a shorted extruder cable at the hot end.

Turn off extruder heater.
Using the menu, turn on the bed heater (set temp to 50 degrees). Does the printer reboot? If it does, you have a short in the bed cable or the bed itself.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 28/06/2017 10:11 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Newly built printer restarts when heating up

It appears that the short is in the extruder. It's a bit odd though since after trying it again to verify it blew another fuse (the same one as when I initially turned it on.)

Thank you for the help; I have a lot more to go on now.

Respondido : 30/06/2017 8:29 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Newly built printer restarts when heating up

Most likely where the cables exit the heater cartridge; just ensure there is a small gap between the cables at that point.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 30/06/2017 10:13 am