Need +100um on left side of bed, but settings max at 50um
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Need +100um on left side of bed, but settings max at 50um  

New Member
Need +100um on left side of bed, but settings max at 50um

I just built my prusa i3 MK2S kit. The benchy on the included SD card printed perfectly, at least to my noob eye. No banding, perfect circles, etc.

The issue is the first layer, it was god awful. I found out I needed .350mm on the live z adjustment, but this made it evident my bed isn't perfectly level. I need +100um on the left side of the bed. I tried bed leveling correction, doing -50 on the left, and +50 on the right, and increasing z adjustment to .400mm, but it's still not enough. I ran custom g code (G80) that set the left to -100 and the right to +10, and the entire first layer was perfect.

Anyways, is there a better solution to leveling the bed other than the custom gcode? Why is the bed level correction limited to 50um, and not 100um?

Respondido : 14/12/2017 2:17 am
Jason Springart
Re: Need +100um on left side of bed, but settings max at 50um

I have had this same issue on my heat bed since I got my printer a year ago. I have only recently tried to correct this and found this post I have followed this guide and so far my first layer is perfect. You can get the firmware required from here.

Respondido : 14/12/2017 1:49 pm