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MK2S Y-axis assembly  

New Member
MK2S Y-axis assembly


I have assembled the Y-axis. When I "Tighten the screws in the pulley " in step 40.

Before I tight the screw in the pully, the bed run smooth, and when I tight the pully to the shaft of the motor the bed does not run smooth, see video:

Are that correct there should run tough, when I tighten the pully?


Napsal : 23/03/2017 7:01 am
New Member
Re: MK2S Y-axis assembly

This happened to me too. The solution was to loosen the upper m10 (the black ones are m10 i guess?) nuts. This happens when the upper ones are not exactly as thight as the lower ones.

I hope this helped

Napsal : 27/03/2017 2:12 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK2S Y-axis assembly

The exact same thing happened to me. I tore it all the way down and found: the nuts for the U bolts were too tight, bearings were not oriented correctly. That sort of solved it. My belt was also out too far facing the motor so it was getting caught on that.
In the end I used the drawing someone made of the Y frame measurements. Got everything as close as possible with my calipers and everything works beautifully. It even passed the XYZ finally.

When in doubt check it out.

Napsal : 30/03/2017 5:41 am