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MK2S Volcano hotend  

New Member
MK2S Volcano hotend

Hey guys,

Anyone on here with experience of swapping to the volcano hotend?

I'd like to convert one of my printers to this!


Postato : 17/08/2017 4:40 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK2S Volcano hotend

No, Im considering it. But thingiverse doesnt have a extruder assembly yet for the MK2S that Ive seen.

Postato : 22/08/2017 12:31 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK2S Volcano hotend

Im surprised that not more people are interested in this? Why would anyone not want a volcano? Anyway, I found this on thingiverse:

edit: I had a brainfart. The pinda probe will be much too high. See post below

Postato : 15/09/2017 12:08 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK2S Volcano hotend

First attempt uploaded here:

*untested* I havent even printed it yet.

Postato : 15/09/2017 1:09 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MK2S Volcano hotend

Yeah, I'm working toward that too. It would be great if my MK2S was more than a great toy making toy. Thus, I would like to make larger/stronger prints more often. Example: Just made a holster for my beloved Dewalt DW920. It took 18 hours...yes I tend to overbuild things but still, it is prohibitively slow for iteration cycling and productivity satisfaction desired from my MK2S.

Below is my research on an adjustable PINDA plunger so head swaps can be faster. I've posted this elsewhere in a PINDA improvement post I think this may be a better thread for this project.

Oh, yeah, the orange thing is not part of the design. That would be funny though 😀

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Postato : 15/09/2017 6:14 pm