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mk2s upgrade problem  

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mk2s upgrade problem

I have just completed the mk2s upgrade I had already fitted igus bearings before the upgrade and everything was working great. I tried to refit the igus bearing to the heat bed but found that using the u clamps they tightened to much deforming the bearing so I used the prusa bearings so that works ok just a little noisy. The extruder carriage seems to have to much resistance when the belt is not attached it feels almost lumpy and jerky. This has resulted in layer shifting part way through a print. I have still got the igus bearings on the extruder carriage maybe I should use the new purse bearings. Does anyone have any ideas

Veröffentlicht : 07/06/2017 8:53 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: mk2s upgrade problem

This is to help anyone who has the same problem I have ran into. After many failed prints I checked double checked the extruder carriage belt all wiring etc but still had the same problem of layer shifting.
The only thing I had done different to the printer since the mk2s upgrade was to print a new right hand x-axis part. I have since removed and replaced with my original and all seems to be good. I will try to print both new x-axis parts and have another try.
The only thing I can see is the newer part is of a slightly different design so maybe not compatible to mix the 2 types up.

Veröffentlicht : 11/06/2017 2:39 pm