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MK2S Kit Skipping Issue  

New Member
MK2S Kit Skipping Issue

The example print is the gcode for the 50um Treefrog that is included with the printer. The filament is again the included material in the printer. I chose this model because lower layer heights better show the issue. The problem appears to decrease at extremely low print speeds (e.g. 2mm/s) and persists regardless of the filament used. I have calibrated my extruder and as you can see, the skipping is inconsistent. This leads me to believe the problem is not z wobble. I have not calibrated the PID values of the printer, however, it appears to maintain a consistent temperature, never noticeably fluctuating. I have adjusted the belt tension of both the x and y axes multiple times, and I am nearly positive that is not the issue. I could be wrong but only the x axis appears to be skipping. This is more apparent on the Adalinda Dragon printed at 200um thanks to its long neck. I will include pictures of that model if requested.

Veröffentlicht : 09/07/2017 4:51 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK2S Kit Skipping Issue

Hmmm.. this looks like layer shifting along X.

Layer shifting is usually caused by.. well.. belts, bearings, misaligned frame or bent rods. You said you checked the belt tension numerous times. That would've been my first guess though, lose belt or belt slipping.

Did you notice if the Extruder is skipping (makes a clicking noise) during the print?

I'd do the following:

First, check your wire bundle and filament, is it maybe preventing the head to move freely? Original spool holder is known to cause too much friction at times..

Next, check for the following:

Is the X axis pulley tightened properly to the X motor shaft (one screw against the flat side of the shaft). Does the idler wheel on the other side spin freely? Is the belt rubbing anywhere? (tell tale sign is ground up rubber debris). When powered off, can you move the X axis smoothly by hand?

And after that: unhook the belt and see if the X axis then moves smoothly across the whole length.

Hope this helps a little

Veröffentlicht : 09/07/2017 11:17 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MK2S Kit Skipping Issue

Hmmm.. this looks like layer shifting along X.

Layer shifting is usually caused by.. well.. belts, bearings, misaligned frame or bent rods. You said you checked the belt tension numerous times. That would've been my first guess though, lose belt or belt slipping.

Did you notice if the Extruder is skipping (makes a clicking noise) during the print?

I'd do the following:

First, check your wire bundle and filament, is it maybe preventing the head to move freely? Original spool holder is known to cause too much friction at times..

Next, check for the following:

Is the X axis pulley tightened properly to the X motor shaft (one screw against the flat side of the shaft). Does the idler wheel on the other side spin freely? Is the belt rubbing anywhere? (tell tale sign is ground up rubber debris). When powered off, can you move the X axis smoothly by hand?

And after that: unhook the belt and see if the X axis then moves smoothly across the whole length.

Hope this helps a little

Thank you, the x-axis belt turned out to be slightly rubbing on one of the printed parts and after a few adjustments the printer now almost works perfectly. I still have one small problem that I will be creating a new post about soon.

Veröffentlicht : 14/07/2017 8:08 am