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MK2 Upgrade part  

Mitglied Moderator
MK2 Upgrade part

Does anyone see a problem printing the PSU cover parts to use on the MK1 power supply for the MK2 upgrade?

Veröffentlicht : 11/07/2016 1:31 am
Trusted Member
Re: MK2 Upgrade part

No, there is no technical issues with it as long as you have the model shown below. I printed the MK2 version of the PSU cover myself. However I didn't use it with my enclosure. I do understand the safety concerns and liability of why Josef and team do not recommend you take the power supply apart. Thankfully you don't have to open the power supply itself and poke around the capacitors.

Make sure to disconnect the power first. The toggle switch for power just pops out. With a finger nail or flat head screw driver you can lift it out and disconnect the spade connectors. Next remove the two screens on the power input connector and it too lifts out. Then remove the remaining screws around the printed piece and the bottom just slides off. You will also have to remove the screw terminals from the two power leads for the bed and hot end in order to slide the cables out of the printed piece and into the new one.

Make sure you connect the power input connector and power switch correctly or you could seriously damage something. Same goes for the screw terminals for the bed and hot end connectors.

Veröffentlicht : 11/07/2016 6:03 am
Mitglied Moderator
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MK2 Upgrade part

Thanks. I was more concerned with the hole sizes than assembly/disassembly. Since I have the MK2 placed in a position that I couldn't see the switch size I really couldn't judge this. I guess I should phrase my questions better. You did give me the answer I was looking for even though I didn't ask the question correctly. 😀

Veröffentlicht : 11/07/2016 3:07 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK2 Upgrade part

No worries Richard. Glad I could help in a long round about way. 😉


Veröffentlicht : 11/07/2016 9:26 pm