MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?
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MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?  

Active Member
MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?

What does it mean if I can't get any of sample models from the SD card to stick in the first layer? I've now replaced my PEI, upgraded to 3.0.6 and I'm running XYZ calibration right now. I'm cleaning the PEI with 90% rubbing alcohol although it sat with the cap open for a night so it's not quite so strong.

I'm using hatchbox PLA and live in a near desert level of humidity or lack there of.

I'm tearing my hair out, what should I be looking for? Help me start over at the basics. I've had this printer for a few months and everything was working fine for a while but I feel like prints have been less and less reliable and now I can't get anything to print.

The models off of the SD card should print no problem right?

XYZ calibration just completed and said that it's severely skewed? Is this normal on a 2 month old printer?

Printing v2 calibration and.......

everything looks fine but doesn't stick very well.

when I try to print "Marvin" it detaches around the 4th layer and everything goes wrong.

Why won't my PLA stick?

Veröffentlicht : 29/08/2016 1:32 am
Eminent Member
Re: MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?


In most cases it's the z-Height.

Could you provide us a picture?


Veröffentlicht : 29/08/2016 9:10 am
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Re: MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?

Hi guys,

Im having the same issue. Nothing sticks well anymore. The z height could not be the issue as it is so low it actually pushes the filament up on the sides but any other setting does not allow my prints to stick.

If i clean the bed with acetone i get like 70% of adhesion as it was before and i dont know why....

For reference picture of my z height. Any ideas ?


Veröffentlicht : 29/08/2016 6:31 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?

Hi Manuel

The surface looks good, apart from the scratches or what that is.
I think the z-height is correct. If it is too low, one sees no more grooves between the lines.
If you cleanse the bed with Acetone, then you take paper as a cleaning cloth? In this case, you must always take a new one and also use it as short as possible, as otherwise residues from cellulose remain on the bed, preventing any liability.

Possibly you could try to clean it with a cloth rag and a bit plain window cleaner.


Veröffentlicht : 29/08/2016 7:05 pm
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Re: MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?

Hello Jens,

Finlay thats good news! So the lines on the top are not from a too low z height ? I mean the one at the A and R....

I take a fabric cloth not paper 🙂 Well if i use glas cleaner it does not stick maybe adheasion is at 10 % then from the original prints at the start 🙂

The scraches are scratches from the heatbed. My scrapper is a bit crap....

Thank you a lot for the help!

Veröffentlicht : 29/08/2016 7:25 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK2 can't get sample models to work from SD card?

Hi Manuel

The surface also does not indicate too low z-height. I see the following:
- a little over-extrusion
- 1/10 to low extrusion width (that causes the lines on the surface)
- a bit too little perimeter overlap for the infill (that causes the gaps between infill and perimeter), try to set 2-3% more

As for the adhesion, I think you have something on the surface what is causing the problems. Unfortunately I can not comment further 😐


Veröffentlicht : 30/08/2016 3:13 pm