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Misfeed/Clicking on 0.05mm Layer height  

Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Misfeed/Clicking on 0.05mm Layer height

Hello all,

I have been testing out my new MK3 on the various layer heights using the supplied silver coloured PLA filament.

0.15mm layer height no problems beautiful prints.
0.10mm layer height a very rare miss feed/click if it is not a thin section of the model hit by the miss feed no problems.
0.05mm layer height almost constant miss feeds and clicks resulting in spongy unusable models. This probably cause by the slow flow of filament on 0.05mm layer height being excessively cooled by the filament fan. To compensate I raised the head temperature and that seems to cure it.

Martin Wolfe

Martin Wolfe

Napsal : 10/02/2018 11:04 pm
Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Misfeed/Clicking on 0.05mm Layer height

A bit of an update on my misfeed/clicking situation.

I now have printed using some purchased PLA+ filament. This was misfeeding on 010mm once it got up to 5mm up into the print. Raising the extrusion temperature to 230 seems to have fixed this so I have concluded that my hot end thermistor is reading to low.

Martin Wolfe

Napsal : 15/02/2018 3:35 pm