Live Z failure??
Hi, I bought my mk2 kit about five months ago now and I've been getting great prints out of it up until a few days ago.
My live z values are now not being applied at the start of a print. My settings (-0.48) are dialled in but they're simply not being applied, I've verified this by dropping it all the way down to -2.5 with absolutely no change, the first layer is always extruded at the same height.
I've tried different slicers, updated firmware, disassembled and reassembled print head, calibrated a zillion times, now I'm at a loss.
I can alter live z after a print has begun, this does work. I could probably put an offset into whatever slicer I'm using and that might mitigate the problem. I know I could manually set the height by carefully adjusting the pinda probe but these solutions kind of defeat the point!
Anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions?
Re: Live Z failure??
You may double-check every bolts to unsure that none of them get loosen due to vibration. I had this bad surprise that 3 of them got unscrewed on mine and started to have weird issues.
I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.
Re: Live Z failure??
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I did check every bolt and they were fine.
Finally today I have resolved the issue. I replaced the heater block, the heater cartridge, the thermistor and the nozzle, obviously stripped and rebuilt the head again for this. While I was at it I tightened up the X axis belt as much as I could (that assembly could do with a rethink!), gave the pinda probe a good clean with some alcohol and then after a quick calibration, success!
I am not sure what caused this problem, but if you're having similar issues (nozzle always too high, live Z setttings seemingly not being applied), I would suggest you give the pinda probe a GOOD clean before doing anything else.