Live Z and Infill
So I'm very familiar with Live Z and also using the hyper leveling technique to accurately calibrate the bed for all 9 points, but continue to see some issues.
When doing the infill for the 1st layer, it goes at a 45 degree angle which I believe is standard. I can get great results for the first half of the square that goes smaller to bigger. Once the first half finished, and it begins to go bigger to smaller, I always get a Z layer that seems too low, since the edges start to build up between infill lines. This is most prevalent on the center square. I can get the outside 8 points moderately smooth with fine tune adjustments.
No matter what I try, this always happens. Anyone else have a solution?
Re: Live Z and Infill
Infill is often done at a higher "speed" since it does not need to look good (being inside the object). Try slowing it down in your slicer settings.
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