I3 MK2 calibration (3 week of nightmare and it does't work)!!!
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I3 MK2 calibration (3 week of nightmare and it does't work)!!!  

New Member
I3 MK2 calibration (3 week of nightmare and it does't work)!!!

Since 3 week I try to calibrate my Z axis wihout succes.

Selftest is OK but when I try the Z callibration, the nozzel crash in the print bed. I update the firmware today but I have the same result.

I pay attention to the pinda prob DEL on my last test. On the selftest, the light switch off and the Z axis stop. On the Z callibration, the light switch of but the Z axis goes down and the nozzel crash in the bed.

I send an email to Prusa for this problem but I didn't get an answer 🙁

I realy don't understand what happends. Can someone help me?


Publié : 26/03/2017 4:30 pm
New Member
Re: I3 MK2 calibration (3 week of nightmare and it does't work)!!!

I have the same problem,
hope some one can fix this D:

Publié : 26/03/2017 4:41 pm
Reputable Member
Re: I3 MK2 calibration (3 week of nightmare and it does't work)!!!

PINDA probe at correct height? It should be 1 credit card thickness away from the nozzle tip

- Printer off and let it cool
- loosen PINDA probe screw
- manually screw both z axis rods down until the nozzle touches the bed slightly
- place credit card under the loose PINDA
- tighten PINDA screw again
- power on and select XYZ calibration
after it finishes, use the live Z heigh to set the height of the nozzle (mine was about -0.350 with the credit card)

edit: make sure the PINDA is plugged into the right endstop connector on the board. (consult the online manual)

Publié : 26/03/2017 5:54 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: I3 MK2 calibration (3 week of nightmare and it does't work)!!!

You need to check that the end stop situation is being "seen" by the RAMBo.

One of the menu options (can't remember which at the moment) displays the end stop values. Raise the Z axis, go to the menu item and place something metallic underneath the probe. As the light goes off/on, check that the LCD setting changes. If not, then there is a cable issue.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 26/03/2017 5:58 pm
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