Howto ABS & PLA stick to heat bed
I had some issues to get ABS sticking to bed but after making some ABS juice with
: 30 cm ABS 1.75 mm for 125 ml acteone it was working
Now I want to print PLA. .. but it does not stick on ABS juice ..
I tried with clean bed .. even worse .. then with white glue for wood .. little better ..
How do you get it working ?? Any tips ?
Re: Howto ABS & PLA stick to heat bed
We have no problems with PLA sticking to ABS juice, But plain glue stick works great too. What temps are you printing the PLA?
Re: Howto ABS & PLA stick to heat bed
Default temp 50*C .. it tried hotter (60°C) but it was not better ..
It's my third test with white glue but the object does not stick enough to finish the print ...
Maybe I should try with ABS juice again ..
Re: Howto ABS & PLA stick to heat bed
tips for ABS and PLA from this site works very well for me. Glue stick + ABS juice included with printer works perfect and overall I have zero issues with ABS (just dont forget to let it cool down after print).
Office glue stick for the PLA is fully sufficient (sometimes too sufficient 🙂 ) and you dont need anything more than that. But in my experience, printing first layer with PLA is much more sensitive to right nozzle and bed calibration. If you have problems with first layer, you should adjust distance of the nozzle and slowing down speed of first layer is also very helpfull (in "prusa slic3r" is standard settings 70% of speed for first layer, try lower it to 50-60% or you can use knob on LCD while printing first layer). Secondary print fan should be off while printing first layer (its already set up in "prusa slic3er" settings).
Hope it helps.
Re: Howto ABS & PLA stick to heat bed
If you print on normal, what might help is to decrease the first layer height to 0,2mm from 0,35mm what is preconfigure in slic3r form us.