Heatbed temp sensor of assembled MK2 at a strange location
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Heatbed temp sensor of assembled MK2 at a strange location  

New Member
Heatbed temp sensor of assembled MK2 at a strange location


I'm new to 3D printing and got my assembled MK2 about a week ago. Printing went fine so far but today I noticed that the heatbed became hot while the measured temperature still was very low.

After searching for the reason I noticed that the temperature on the bottom of the heatbed was not attached to the heatbed. After pressing the sensor to the board with my finger the temperature reading seemed more plausible.

After some more investigation I fond that the should not be located at the edge of the bed but in the center under some kind of metal foil which shows a "channel" where I assume the sensor has been. There is even a "cable loop" hanging out of the controller case. But since the cable is tightly zipped to the heatbed and near the controller case I think that this has been the case from the beginning. I'm not able to pull out the sensor without damaging the cable or removing the zipties. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any pictures from the bottom of an assembled heatbed so I'm not sure if the sensor really belongs in the center.

If I see it correctly I have to disassemble the heatbed, relocate the sensor by cutting the zipties and reassemble everything? Then I had to re-callibrate the printer in all axes? 😕

Any help would be appreciated.


Opublikowany : 05/03/2017 11:20 am