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Having extrusion issues I think  

New Member
Having extrusion issues I think


Ive printed a few tests and they all show the same issue (Some show other issues, but Ive either fixed them, or will deal with them next)

They all seem to underextrude. Like the lines dont meet like they should.

Ive tried to increase extrusion multiplier and the onboard flow rate, but even a 20% move doesnt seem to show much or any difference.

Ive tried increasing the overlap, that seems like it helped a bit, but not everywhere.

I also mesured the extrusion, and over 100mm it seemed about 6 short, so I adjusted the estep with
M92 E171.59
In my starting GCode for Simplify 3d. Didnt seem to help, but maybe im doing it wrong. When I Send M92 E171.59 from octoprint and then extrude 100mm its a lot closer to the mesurements I marked.

Ive also tried adjusting the z height, but I dont think thats the issue. It still prints, and it still seems strong. But It would be nice to get it setup right.

Edit : It seems to do this with included gcodes, prusa slic3r, and s3d. Only seems to be external layers. Mostly the bottom, but its a little broken on the top as well. sides and inside seem ok.

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2017 7:44 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Having extrusion issues I think

what your pictures show is a very bad first layer calibration. check at least the first 5 - 7 sites and page#18 & #19 of this thread where the proper extruder calibration is mentioned.

and please: do not use the img function of the board an link to an external picture hoster ! attach the pictures with the "Attachment" option as *.jpg file.
this forum should act as a knowledge base... and if the pictures at your hoster are cleaned up, your post will be incomplete in the future.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2017 9:58 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Having extrusion issues I think

Awesome. Thanks so much. I fixed the images, and I followed your guide and I think Ive got it pretty good. Im a little nervous about lowing the live z too low but after a few runs I saw some good results. Let me know if this looks right, or if it needs more

Veröffentlicht : 18/08/2017 1:23 am
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Having extrusion issues I think

the lower one and the half-one looks ok for me. but its hard to tell from the picture. if you lower the z-height too much, the surface gets rough again, so you can better "feel" it than evaluate it by a picture.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 18/08/2017 9:16 am