Extruder Stepper not moving
I apologize in advance if this is the wrong place But I recently came into a 8" prusa i3v printer and initially I'm 99% certain everything worked, then I screwed up and hit restore fail safe or some how managed to wipe it and now after following all of the steps in both the build guide on makerfarm and zenmaster.com to get the auto level working and updated marlin my extruder motor will not turn. I've made sure that my hot end is heated up past 170~a quick glace tells me its at 220 this moment and verified via my finger 🙄 ~ in marlin I have commented out dangerous extrude
dropped the min temp to 17
commented out thermal runaway
changed my temp sensor to 5 like the build guide says for e3d nozzles
In Pronter face I've tried sending m302 for the cold extrusion and g1 e10 f1500 to move my extruder and nothing
I've ruled out my motor due to I switched it with my Y stepper and was able to control my extruder that way and then instead had no motion over my Y(using the extruder move screen)
When I measure the Driver voltage i get 1.4 VDC(if i'm measuring in the right spot)
Any help is appreciated as I'm officially lost and tearing my hair out(and I don't have much to spare as it is)
EDIT: I suspected a firmware issue so tried using the version of marlin called out in the build guide but no change
Re: Extruder Stepper not moving
Hi Jesse,
is this an original Prusa i3 or a copy?
it sounds like you have a Prusa copy, in which case, it's unlikely that we can help you very much
you say you have interchanged the E and Y motor connectors , both motors work when connected to the Y driver, and neither motor works when connected to the E driver...
if you have replaceable driver modules, can you swap the X and E modules and see if the problem moves to the X motor?
if changing the driver modules moves the fault, then you may have a faulty driver module
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: Extruder Stepper not moving
How do I tell if it is a copy or not? I got this from a classmate for doing some 3D CAD/CAM work for him and legitimately all i was told is here it worked 2 years ago when it went in my closet.
I wondered about the driver myself, I swapped the E driver for the Z driver and the problem persisted. although I suspect a new driver is needed as a side note as I can spin the pot well over 270 degrees
If this is a copy can I at least get pointed in the right direction for help?
I've attached some pictures of the printer for aid in figuring if it is a copy or not (what does that mean btw?)
Re: Extruder Stepper not moving
Hi Jesse,
yours is definitely a copy.
this thread, on here, may help,
or this site
or this site
may help you...
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: Extruder Stepper not moving
I owe you thanks for pointing me in the right direction, My ramps board is bad and i will need to eventually replace it. I was able to figure that out by moving my driver from the e1 slot to the e0 slot on the card.
Thanks again
Re: Extruder Stepper not moving
best wishes...
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK