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Extruder motor won't turn forward  

Active Member
Extruder motor won't turn forward

Just finished the build of a kit. All was perfect until I tried the V2Calibration print (ZigZag). All I got was a very thin hair of filament, I reloaded it, and checked the tension springs, all to no luck. Removed the filament completely and left the tension device open , ran "unload filament" and the hob wheel turns correctly , as if to eject the filament. BUT , when I ran the "load filament" , the hob wheel just vibrates in place, no rotation.

Since Im so new to this my current thinking is that the lack of meaningful material coming from the nozzle is due to the filament not being under positive pressure into the hotend. If that is in fact the case, what would cause the motor to only want to run in one direction?

Completely baffled right now, any ideas or insights would be most welcome.

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Opublikowany : 07/09/2017 7:38 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Extruder motor won't turn forward

After spending several hours looking for similar issues I found one that was identical

I disconnected the motor from the board and noticed that one of the connections was "iffy" , it was not seated into the connector prior to crimping. I used a pigtail off of another motor I had for another project and spliced it onto the extruder motor. Immediately fixed the issue.

I chalk this one up to poor QC at the motor supplier to Prusa...

Look @ your join date & # of posts. If > 1/day, please read more and type less. We will both be smarter for it.

Opublikowany : 07/09/2017 9:11 pm