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[Closed] Extruder EStep Calibration  

New Member
Extruder EStep Calibration

In an attempt to calibrate my extruder I have followed the guide at
At the default steps/mm the extruder was under extruding. I got 89mm in stead of 100. I used M92 E181.2 and verified with M503. I ran the test again. I am now getting over extrusion. It is feeding more than 120mm.

I ran the test multiple times at 161.3steps/mm and I consistently get 89mm.
This material is MatterHackers Pro Flex but I have done this calibration with their Pro PETG also with similar results.

Any ideas as to what would cause this large, unexpected swing in extrusion amount?

A separate but somewhat related issue. Each time I have tried this process I hear an odd noise for about 1 second when I first run the G1 E100 F100 command. I sounds almost like grinding gears, but I think it might be the extruder gear turning very fast for a very short duration. It does not feed 100mm through, just the short noise then return to idle. Subsequent commands work as expected. Its only on the first one.


Posted : 26/08/2017 2:40 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Extruder EStep Calibration

Make sure you are starting the process by entering the M83, so the extruder goes to relative mode.


Posted : 26/08/2017 5:04 pm
Jason Foss
Eminent Member
Re: Extruder EStep Calibration

Any ideas as to what would cause this large, unexpected swing in extrusion amount?

Make sure your extrusion tension screws are at 13mm.

It sounds like maybe you've got enough tension to push filament once it gets going, but not enough to get it started cleanly

Posted : 28/08/2017 7:01 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Extruder EStep Calibration

Any ideas as to what would cause this large, unexpected swing in extrusion amount?

Make sure your extrusion tension screws are at 13mm.

It sounds like maybe you've got enough tension to push filament once it gets going, but not enough to get it started cleanly

Thanks. I'll try that. They are at 14mm now.

Posted : 30/08/2017 12:26 am
Eminent Member
Re: Extruder EStep Calibration

Hi guys,
I have the same problem. What do you mean with 13mm? Where do you measure this 13mm?


Posted : 04/07/2018 12:17 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Extruder EStep Calibration

Hi guys,
I have the same problem. What do you mean with 13mm? Where do you measure this 13mm?


its the length of the extruder idler springs.
check the mk2s assembly guide section 5 (Extruder Assembly) step 16

Posted : 04/07/2018 2:27 am
Eminent Member
Re: Extruder EStep Calibration

I was thinking we are talking about the MK3.

Posted : 05/07/2018 8:16 pm