Exstrusion or Zaxis diference from start to the end
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Exstrusion or Zaxis diference from start to the end  

New Member
Exstrusion or Zaxis diference from start to the end


I have a problem with top layer, or should I say that after print gets tohihger layers there it's less material added or maybe Z axis steps too big. Don't know. On the attached print I had to underextrude for 2% at start and over extrude as print proced, ending at 103%. I find this to be strange as the first layer looked almost perfect... I would like solve this issue before printing higher objects. i3 mk2 btw.
Let me add that after perfect Vcalibration gcode nozzle is starting at higher point for the real print and it doesn't distribute enough material to push it onto the bed. That's why almost every print starts with liveZ adjustment for me.

Postato : 09/02/2017 8:28 am
Estimable Member
Re: Exstrusion or Zaxis diference from start to the end

I had to change the live Z adjust all the time until I read here to make sure to always move the extruder to at least a Z of 100 at the end of each print, so that the PINDA probe doesn't get heated up by the bed when starting a new print.

- Gab

Postato : 10/02/2017 4:44 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Exstrusion or Zaxis diference from start to the end

Thanks for the hint, indeed it does start to prind preciser if I lift Z above 10cm before heating. But the real proble was underextrusion which I had to calibrate and add 5% more extrusion. The second reason was my distrust in settings and not waiting but insead ovecorrecting in mid print instead. It works now like a charm and I have a filling that it will only get better 🙂

Postato : 13/02/2017 8:27 am