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Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit  

Active Member
Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

Hi all,

I have been searching high and low for user feedback on how long it takes users to do the assembly of a Prusa I3 MK2 kit. I haven't been able to read this in manual. I would love to hear from you on how long it took you? Or general expectations on this matter...


Posted : 22/03/2017 2:19 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

for me it was bout 6-7 hours, maybe a little longer spread over two days, i took my time though making sure everything was as good as it could be... be sure to use the online manuals as the pictures are much much clearer

Posted : 22/03/2017 2:33 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

I'd say 5...10h is realistic. It all depends on how experienced someone is in building stuff like this.

Recomendation: Take your time and don't mess with other peoples time!
It's better do it in two steps than in one day. After 6h your concentration gets bad anyway and the frustration level will be much higher when something doesn't work as expected. Use the online manual and the additional pictures and comments. You'll find much more information there than in the provided book.

Posted : 22/03/2017 3:18 pm
Active Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

I did it in 12 hours including the first calibration.

Did it in two evenings/nights. I was in no hurry to beat anyone's time. I really enjoyed the experience. Besides after the first 6 hours my bag of candy was empty.

Posted : 22/03/2017 3:41 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

3 evenings, probably 3-4 hours each.
Never built anything before (except maybe some IKEA)

Posted : 22/03/2017 4:16 pm
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

It took me 8 hours to complete the printer assembly up until turning on the printer.

What's making me a bit slow is the y axis frame adjustment and carefully reading the manual since this is my most expensive printer yet (after geeetech i3b) and don't want to ruin it =D

I gotta say that it is probably 10 hours including the initial calibration of y axis to be perpendicular (which can never be achieved) and software auto calibration procedure. Another took me almost an hour of assembly is mounting the electronic because it is hard to mount the board to the case, not to mention the case to the frame (before mk2s parts)

I would suggest you to download the assembly instruction pdf so you can refer the picture more clearly since the one in the book, you can barely see the figures

Posted : 22/03/2017 5:35 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

I found the prusa a lot easier to build than the geeetech i3b. With the Prusa. I had the build instructions for what was on the bench. And all parts wete bagged in sections
Where as the geeetech. Had components bagged by size. . And the instructions seemed to be for a different model. .

Both printers worked. But when i bought another printer. It was also a Prusa... shame i missed the cutoff for the S upgrade...

My prusa build was about 7 hours.


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 22/03/2017 6:10 pm
New Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

I spent 7 hours Monday night assembling my MK2 S, the instructions were pretty spot on. Be sure the read the comments. Take time getting everything square early on to avoid rework. I spent about 5 hours calibrating yesterday after assembly, if I would have thoroughly read the forums on adjusting the live Z I probably would have been able to drop that number to a couple of hours.

As others have said, take your time, but don't over think it too much, it's a pretty easy assembly compared to others and was a lot easier than my X-Carve.

Posted : 22/03/2017 7:01 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

For me, without any experience of building such a thing, it was two days. I would say first day about 7 hours to make the rough assembly, second day about 4 hours to calibrate (with some fine tuning of construction) and prepare to print (including reading the brochure about basics in 3D printing).
But it was during Christmas, when man must do much more other things.
Need to say, that I had to stop after 7 hours and leave it for the second day, the concentration was already bad. Things like cable management of the extruder part and rambo board assembly, which are done just at the end, made me little bit crazy :-)¨
Next day with clear mind it was much better to finish and calibrate.

Posted : 22/03/2017 7:18 pm
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

Heheh, talking about the geeetech i3b assembly, it took me 12 hours to complete it it is due to complications with the parts and manual. That was my very first printer and tried to assemble it carefully instead the manual was off with the parts supplied. But the printer worked great, the heatbed is good as well can reach from about 30'c to 100'c in about 7 minutes same like the mk42 bed.

Main reason I got the mk2 is the skew compensation. I also tried to make the y-axis as perpendicular as possible but it proves me impossible to get one 😀

Posted : 23/03/2017 8:52 am
Active Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

This was my first time building something like this. I built it in about 12 hours, over a period of 4 days. I took my time (spend about 2 - 3 hours a day on day 2 and 3).

I found the first part (Y-axis) the most time consuming.

Posted : 23/03/2017 2:38 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

Took me about 8 hours, all in one go (short breaks here and there). I assembled a Geeetech Pro C last fall and this was a MUCH better experience than that.

BTW, I got perpendicular axes. :mrgreen:

Posted : 06/05/2017 2:55 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Expected assembly time for Prusa I3 MK2 Kit

I took me 8h but I have been verry precise 🙂 and now it prints like a charm 🙂

Posted : 06/05/2017 5:46 pm