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MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...  

Martin P.
Active Member
MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...


Mam MK4 s poslednim FW, kdyz dam tisk tak po chvili homingu se stanou nasledujici veci: bud tiskarna rekne "detekovan naraz", nebo zacne tancovat na miste asi pul hodiny a nic. Kdyz dam kalibraci, tak hlava vyjede zhruba do poloviny drahy a po chvili tancovani nahoru/dolu se tiskarna zrestartuje, vyhodi cervenou chybu, dam pokracovat a jsem v menu. Od toho okamziku Z=0 bere tu hodnotu, kde se zrovna nachazi.

Jak to obejit: Dam znova kalibraci a rucne protocim motory Z osy tak, aby extruder byl zhruba 2-3cm nad deskou, nasledne kalibrace funguje bez problemu.

Zajimavy je, ze kdyz z menu vyberu "auto home", tak tiskarna bez problemu najde dolni bod, ale nasledne pri kalibraci, stale bere nulu nekde ve vzduchu.

Zkousel jsem starsi verzi FW, tovarni nastaveni, podotahoval jsem kde co ...

Urcite se s tim nekdo setkal a ja jen neumim poradne hledat, tak kdyz me nekdo nakopne kudy kam, budu rad.



Posted : 21/12/2024 10:24 am
Eminent Member
RE: MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...


s tím jsem se ještě nesetkal a je divné, že nulu vezme nad podložkou. Jen se zeptám, test Loadcell senzoru proběhne bez problémů?


Posted : 23/12/2024 4:15 pm
Martin P.
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Ahoj Jirko,

test loadcellu probehne v poradku. Momentalne netrucuje (tuk tuk), pro priste uz mam pripravenou v enclosure kamerku, tak to natocim az se zas zblazni.


Posted : 31/12/2024 12:31 pm
Martin P.
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...

Ahoj, tak chyba je zpatky, nepodarilo se mi presne identifikovat kdy se tohle zblazneni projevi. Napriklad ted, je Z osa zhruba 5cm vysoko, ale vsude hlasi "Z=0". Nejvic se to stava pri vymene filamentu. Jako docasny reseni musim sjet s hlavou zhruba do 2cm, coz pri "z=0" staci aby pri startu tisku sjela hlava a drnkla do platu a nezhavarovala pritom cela tiskarna.

Nevim co je to za zavadu, rozebrani a slozeni nepomaha, premyslim nad tim, jestli neni neco s loadcellem (kabelazi k nemu - zkratuje?), ale tiskne normalne, reaguje jak ma... nulta vrstva je "1A-OK".

Premyslim ze budu sbirat Octoprintem veskerou seriovou komunikaci, zda neco nezachytim.


Posted : 30/01/2025 5:00 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...

Is this problem when you turn the printer on?
If so. 
At the moment of turning on. the printer has no idea where the print head is located, to prevent damage to the build plate the printer assumes 'Z' =0mm
 If you use the 'Auto Home' option, the printer enables the Z axis strain gauge and probes for the build plate, when it finds the build plate, the printer resets the Z height to 0mm again.
Now the printer is ready to start printing

If you don't auto home, the printer will re assert Z height, during the Print startup procedure. automatically (Custom Gcode, Start Gcode',  in Prusa slicer

regards  Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 30/01/2025 6:22 pm
Martin P.
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...

Hi Joan,

I never turn off the printer. Went to work, Z=5something. Checked during the day on Connect, Z=0. Solution: Did autohoming, after a while the printer crashed (at least the nozzle was lower when it happened). Had to run again autohoming and solved. If this would happen and the head would be higher, it would most prolly also get a phase "collision detected, doin autohoming" in between.


Posted : 30/01/2025 8:15 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...

Odd Martin,
I hope you find the issue

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 30/01/2025 8:42 pm
Martin P.
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4, Z-osa - blbne a blbne...

OK, I think I'm getting closer, currently I started to receive occasional "nozzle cleaning failed", which also points to loadcell assembly. Currently was able to print something, so once it is done, I'll get to it.

Posted : 06/02/2025 2:49 am