Even after XYZ calibration and live Z adjust, print still messing up
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Even after XYZ calibration and live Z adjust, print still messing up  

Active Member
Even after XYZ calibration and live Z adjust, print still messing up

I was having trouble with my new Prusa MK2 printer - my print was somehow detaching, and would end up off to the side with strands of PLA everywhere. I posted here and someone said to redo calibration including live Z adjust.

After I did the XYZ calibration, I realized I never did XYZ calibration in the first place, nor the live Z adjust. So I did that... I wasn't sure exactly how close the nozzle should be to the bed so I just lowered the live Z while doing the V2calibration print. I did this repeatedly until the lines of the filament were fully attaching to the bed solidly (so while viewing from the side, the filament applies directly onto the surface and doesn't lift off at any point). My live Z ended up being -.835.

I then tried my print again, and when I came back to check on it, one of the two bases had detached.

Picture of problem: http://imgur.com/gallery/TWBif

It's a little case I'm trying to print, so it's two separate boxes that are attached by a hinge. Not sure why that would make a difference though.

Any ideas on what to try next?

Publié : 13/06/2017 8:41 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Even after XYZ calibration and live Z adjust, print still messing up


Publié : 15/06/2017 5:55 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: Even after XYZ calibration and live Z adjust, print still messing up

first: you need to be very lucky to get the live z adjustment right with the standard v2calibration.gcode.
have a look at this thread(and read at least the 4 - 5 first pages). if you want to go with that method, i recommend the 4th version of the calibration surface.
then clean your pei sheet with pure (at least 98%) isopropyl alcohol (IPA), and approximately every fifth time with pure acetone.
don't use any tissues with balsam or parfume to clean the sheet, simple kitchen paper towel will do the job.
and after cleaning: don't touch the surface before printing with your fingers !

and by the way: when you want to show pictures, it is recommended to attach them to your post (you can even place them "inline" inside the text, where you want). it's not good if the pictures are stored somewhere in the web, because this forum should act as a knowledge data base as well, so that users (like you and me) could use the search function and will still find fully accessible posts... even in a few years.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Publié : 15/06/2017 6:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Even after XYZ calibration and live Z adjust, print still messing up

Dang. Still a problem. Can someone check my model and see if there's something causing it to freak out? I've used Sketchup's Solid Inspector and a website called MakePrintable and they both show it as being fine..

Dropbox links:

Gcode: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4z1l136taqyn2v/PIM_retainerV3.gcode?dl=0
STL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ay9ge5mmy03ps7d/retainerV3.stl?dl=0

Publié : 17/06/2017 2:15 am
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