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End Stop Issues  

Eminent Member
End Stop Issues

Apologies if this has been covered i've searched the forum and cannot find what i'm looking for.

I've ran a few calibration test to get my bottom layer right and then a couple models. All was going great calibration came back saying the x/y/z were perpendicular.

What is strange on trying to run a print tonight without changing anything the end stops on the Y & X axis are now not being reached the motors are skipping. After powering down i can get the x and y axis stop end to trigger manually but you have to really push past the natural range to each axis. On construction the x & y axis stop ends were reached easily when could cause this sudden change on both axis? I'm a complete noob here any help much appreciated.

Napsal : 11/07/2017 11:27 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: End Stop Issues

Ok so inspected the printer tonight and came across a couple issues that needed sorting and was causing the problems with the stop ends not being reached. I thought i would share as they may help others on their new build. if like me they get the first couple of prints and then can't reach the stop ends all of a sudden.

1, The wire harness from the extruder has extremely tight clearance to the rambo cover. It was fine when i did my cable management. After the cables had settle the cable wrap had started catching the rambo housing stopping the x axis reading the stop end.

2, The y axis stop end was not getting reached as the little excess from the belt sticking out from the belt holder fixed to the bed starting catching on the y motor restricting the movement. The manual says do not cut this belt but had to snip about 5mm off the end to clear the motor.

3, Although currently this was not effecting the print the bolts to the y axis carriage needed a quick tighten up. The instructions on the assembly says do not over tighten as can cause damage to printed parts but if you do not nip up just enough they can work loose fairly quickly.

Napsal : 12/07/2017 10:02 pm
Rob Nance
Eminent Member
Re: End Stop Issues

You probably saved me a meltdown. I too just assembled, and noticed this tired at two in the morning. I'll go on to add that I think this and other struggles I had during assembly were due to way too tightly shot pictures. It's very hard to tell what you're looking at when close up and not familiar with the machine. To people who look at them every day, I'm sure it makes total sense, but to those of us seeing it for the first time a few shots could have benefited from an extra wide shot to show the big picture. I'd rather just see ultra hi res pics that you can just zoom in on. I've printed the logo, benchy, a tree frog, and am now printing the planetary gear. None of those go far over by the Rambo case. If I had a print close to the Rambo case that moves while working near it, vertically, it would likely cause a big problem as it is. Once this is done I'm going to go address it. I'd love to see a section in the pre flight that addresses cable directions, tensions, etc. I hear people talk about how things are too tight when people post pics. My hotend wires are touching that aluminum block the nozzle comes out that ok? Seems worth addressing in the final step.

Napsal : 12/07/2017 11:23 pm