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Constant problems with y axis slipping  

Active Member
Constant problems with y axis slipping

I must have lost 7 prints now due to slipping on the y axis and I'm really getting fed up with this printer. The x axis belt stretched, even though it was not particularly tight (or old). It failed in one small spot and I had to replace the belt. Now the y axis is constantly giving me problems, and I am losing now 1 in 3 prints. I checked the belt and it is undamaged. It is not too tight and not too slack. But the latest print was offset by 6 mm. The one before that by 2mm. This is totally unacceptable, and I am wasting far too much filament. Why is it doing this? I have read of similar problems by others, but with no resolution. What is going on and how do I fix this? I am at a loss and need a reliable printer.

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2017 9:07 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Constant problems with y axis slipping

If your belt is tight. Try to see if the set screw on the belt gear on your stepper motor is loose. It might be the cause the skip steps.

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2017 9:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Constant problems with y axis slipping

Hello Nicholas!

Are you printing from SD card or from usb? I have had my machine go nuts and try to go past endstops and doing movements that it should not do when printing from SD card. Try to print from usb and see if the problems persists - if you are printing from SD card.

If you are sure the y-axis is reliable regarding it's mechanical properties, then this failure might be of electrical sort. You could unload the filament before doing the following procedure - there is no need to extrude material. Maybe a wire that has broken inside the insulation? You could craft a stl object that moves the y-axis many times almost the full length of the axis and repetedly wiggle the wire loom of the y-axis during the movements. If the loom drops pulses from the Rambo, then the y-axis will wander in either direction and perhaps crash into one side of the bed. Then you have the culprit probably in the form of copper strands that are broken inside the wire to the stepper motor.


Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2017 9:27 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Constant problems with y axis slipping

Thanks guys for your suggestions which I will put into action tomorrow. I replaced the y axis belt as a precaution, as I think the original steel reinforced ones are not great. Better performance and reliability with fibre/rubber belts (e.g. Gates belts, which are supreme). I did notice one other thing with the last print - the print bed seemed to be a little less smooth near the middle of the y axis. When I removed the belt the y axis was running smooth again. Then when I replaced the belt with a new one, all seemed okay. That's kinda weird.

I have been running prints from an SD card, so will try the USB cable next time (after I have calibrated it again) and see what happens. Shame it has messed up so many prints recently, since when it prints correctly it's really good.

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2017 11:00 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Constant problems with y axis slipping

If it prints correctly, it does make some incredible prints compare to some other machines with premium price tag. I just love my MK2; however, my PINDA broke recently, so I am still waiting for my replacement probe to come in. Hopefully, I can get it by the end of the coming week.

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2017 11:14 pm