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Clogged Extruder above heat unit  

New Member
Clogged Extruder above heat unit

Hi there,

I got my Prusa last week and everything worked like a charm until the first "big" print of 10h (PLA only until now) and afterwards I cannot simply get a constant flow from the extruder. I unloaded/loaded the filament and the extruder moter started grinding the material before it reached the heating piece. So trying to the needle to clear the nozzle but this does not help (same as dismantling the nozzle and cleaning itself).

With a dismounted nozzle I checked where the stuck part is and I found it is actually not in the heat piece but above in the cooling sink (see diagram).

While tons of guides show how to clean the nozzle I am at a loss on how to get stuck elements out (preferred but would be without taken the whole extruder part apart again)....

Thanks for you help in advance,

Napsal : 09/01/2017 9:44 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Clogged Extruder above heat unit

I finally dismantled everything and found the issue in between the PTFE tube and the heat sink, there was a space of about 1mm and the material there was too big to fit into the heatsink. I replaced the PTFE tube and will try to print again soon...

Napsal : 12/01/2017 7:58 pm
New Member
Re: Clogged Extruder above heat unit

I finally dismantled everything and found the issue in between the PTFE tube and the heat sink, there was a space of about 1mm and the material there was too big to fit into the heatsink. I replaced the PTFE tube and will try to print again soon...

How did you get the PTFE tube out? I have pulled and pulled and I can't get it out.

Update: Ugh. I tried holding in the black collar and pulling on the teflon tube. It broke off inside. What do I do now?

Napsal : 23/01/2017 12:46 am
Honorable Member
Re: Clogged Extruder above heat unit

I am just throwing out some ideas.

Assuming you have replace some parts ( tubing and black part) you may consider the following.

-Apply heat to soften any filament that is inside using one of the following methods
-- Place in boiling water
-- Use a heat gun
-- Use a hair dryer

Use silicon oven mittens to hold everything while it is hot.

Once everything is heated use a wood screw and once it has gripped the tubing pull it out with pliers

Napsal : 23/01/2017 2:20 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Clogged Extruder above heat unit

The Black Ring on the top of the heatsink is a retaining ring and it looks like you broke the PTFE Off just below this ring...

were you pushing the black part towards the heatsink whilst trying to pull the PTFE Tube out?
If not, you were pulling against the black locking device and it will have dug into the PTFE tube, weakening it and probably causing the brakeage.

I would suggest Gripping the Heatbreak thread with something protective. maybe a piece of Aluminium and pliers, so you don'r damage the thread, then once that's unscrewed the PTFE shound come out of that end of the hetsink...

you may need to push a length of PTFE in through the black ring to ease it through...

then, once clear, you should be able to release the black ring and pull the PTFE back out,

If the PTFE won't come back out, cut it off a little overlong, and push it int the heatsink so it pops out the screwed thread end.
then reassemble the extruder and heatsink, and fit the cut piece of PTFE making sure it is pushed in well, and the black ring is pulled away from the heatsink to retain the PTFE effectively,
reassemble in the plastic parts and trim the PTFE to final length. regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 23/01/2017 2:59 am