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Clean-> PEI Surface  

Trusted Member
Clean-> PEI Surface

Hi all!
I have buy a botle of alcohol isopropyl (2-propanolo) at 99% it's right for clean my surface? 😀

Publié : 16/06/2016 8:11 pm
Patrik Rosén
Reputable Member
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

Hi all!
I have buy a botle of alcohol isopropyl (2-propanolo) at 99% it's right for clean my surface? 😀

Or just use some window cleaner!

Me on 3dhubs!
Publié : 16/06/2016 8:36 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

I wonder if Methyl Alcohol could be used as well, since it's way more easy to find in local DIY stores.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Publié : 16/06/2016 9:14 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

I wonder if Methyl Alcohol could be used as well, since it's way more easy to find in local DIY stores.
I highly discourage using Methyl Alcohol. It is highly toxic and human body absorbs its vapors as good as its liquid form, and through bare skin as well.
Just don't.

Publié : 16/06/2016 9:36 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface


Isopropyl Alcohol (70% or above) from pharmacies. If you meant Methylated Spirits (denatured Alcohol) that should be OK, but can leave deposits which may cause loss of adhesion.

As far as Methanol is concerned, the amounts you would use for cleaning are quite safe - just don't drink the stuff! Then again, I seem to recall that it was added to some Austrian wines many years ago... 😉


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 16/06/2016 10:48 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

Well, I agree that it's not a substance that you should deal lightly, lots of people died during prohibition because of methanol.

Such substance, as the others mentionned, needs precaution, ventilation, and wise usage for application on the surface. But some drips put on the bed and wiped with a paper towel does not give opportunity for many mg to be absorbed by the organism. Compared to acetone and isoropyl alcohol, I'm not sure that it's so different.

But I may be wrong !

But then, apart from the toxicological aspect, is it effective to remove grease from the heatbed and is it neutral for the PEI ?

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Publié : 16/06/2016 10:56 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

Just missed your answer Peter.

From what I can see, depending of the country, it's more or less easy to find various substance. I know that methylated spirit for exemple is a bit diferent here from the one you can find in UK, which is not the same composition, concentration and have additive and colorant.

The English terms are a bit confusing also, so I'm trying to understand what is exactly what we call "alcool à bruler 90°". Will continue to dig, not really sure for now.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Publié : 16/06/2016 11:02 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface


That's our "Methylated Spirits", typically used in small burners to keep food warm etc. It contains "hundreds of additives" most of which are unspecified and as I mentioned previously, some of those could prevent adhesion.


P.S. I have found the best translation of this type of term is to use Wikipedia; find what you are looking for in your own language and then change to the required language (if it is available...

Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 17/06/2016 7:58 am
Estimable Member
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

Ive been using the window cleaner as Josef showed in his video and have had no problem with adhesion (Good ole regular Windex Brand)

Though standard window cleaner has Ammonia in it, and i was curious if that will have any adverse affects on the PEI.

Publié : 19/06/2016 1:06 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

Windex is not present in France, at least not under this brand name :/

But I tend to think that as soon as a glass cleaner is able to clean a LCD computer whithout leaving any trace (some brands do), then it should be ok 🙂

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Publié : 19/06/2016 10:54 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Clean-> PEI Surface

Alcohol isopropyl (2-propanolo) work really well!! 10€ 1lt

Publié : 21/06/2016 4:19 pm
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