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Change filament: PLA-ABS or ABS-PLA  

Active Member
Change filament: PLA-ABS or ABS-PLA

Hello everyone,
what's the best practice for changing the filament (from a type to another one)?

What are your advice?

Thank you!

Respondido : 28/02/2017 5:16 pm
Active Member
Re: Change filament: PLA-ABS or ABS-PLA

I simply heat up to what ever temp to 255 and load and unload. No issue with PLA bursting into flames or getting all crazy. The ABS will then load or unload just fine as well.

Respondido : 01/03/2017 3:01 am
Reputable Member
Re: Change filament: PLA-ABS or ABS-PLA

I have a simple rule: I always do 1 or 2 cold pulls (a.k.a "atomic pulls") when changing spools. Not because its really needed, but it is good preventive maintenance. I really like Taulman Bridge Nylon for cold pulls, there's also cleaning filament from eSun that works pretty well. Inna pinch, simply use what you been printing with.

Maybe because my workspace is rather dusty, I do get a noticeable amount of gunk accumulated in my nozzle and since i rarely switch filaments these days (I always print the same filament & color on my Prusa), doing so has worked well for me and isn't much of a hassle.

Respondido : 02/03/2017 5:30 am