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Can't Unload Filament  

Mike Ogilvie
Eminent Member
Can't Unload Filament

I am not able to unload the filament. The extruder assembly simple won't let go. When I choose the unload filament option on the menu and pull on the filament, nothing budges. Tried pulling really hard, gripping the filament with pliers, but no release. I don't think I should use any additional force as the whole printer started lifting up!

Seems like I should try to take apart the extruder assmebly but I'm a little intimidated by how to go about that other than just start unscrewing things until I get there. Are there any instructions anywhere on the best way to detach/dissassemble the extruder?

Or, better yet, any solution I can try without having to dissassemble things?

A few notes in case they're helpful:
[*]There is no visible filament sticking out from anywhere it's not supposed to - melted or otherwise.
[*]I stopped a print in the middle because no filament was extruding at all and the printer had gone on for several layers, not knowing there was nothing coming out. (It was the PRUSA gears gcode.)
[*] Looking inside at the pulley area there seems to be a lot of filament dust/debris lying about (not melted, more like chunks from the pulley) that I wasn't expecting to see. Don't know if that's normal or not.
[*] I tried adjusting the idler screws all the way to loose and tight, but it didn't make any difference.

Thanks for the help!

-Mike Ogilvie
USA - Richmond, Virginia

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2017 6:31 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Can't Unload Filament

you most likely have a so called "clogged nozzle".
so some of the filament is molten inside the heatbreak instead of the nozzle.
everytime you try to unload the filament, the extruder pulley tries to transport the filament out of the hotend, but couldn't, that's why you've got the debris of filament.

you've mentioned that the extrusion stopped during the print, so that indicates that something is wrong either with your environmental temperature (to high) or with your extruder fan.

search the forum about clogged nozzle, you'll find a lot of advice.

ps. I assume that you didn't try to unload the filament with the nozzle cooled down. the hotend needs to be heated up when you unload it.... just to mention it.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2017 11:27 pm
Mike Ogilvie
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Can't Unload Filament

Thanks. I'll start down the "clogged nozzle" path and hopefully get to a resolution.

No, I did not try to unload the filament cool. I might have, but the printer won't let you anyway - tells you you have to preheat first.

-Mike Ogilvie
USA - Richmond, Virginia

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2017 11:58 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Can't Unload Filament

No, I did not try to unload the filament cool. I might have, but the printer won't let you anyway - tells you you have to preheat first.

as long as the temperature is above 130°C the printer will try to unload. below that temperature it refuses to do so - as you've mentioned.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 27/08/2017 1:25 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Can't Unload Filament

Also check your retraction settings. Any more than 0.8mm can cause blockages.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Veröffentlicht : 27/08/2017 11:39 am
Mike Ogilvie
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Can't Unload Filament

UPDATE: I took apart the extruder assembly and was able to manually clean it out. Mostly just by using the needle on the small nozzle and a hex wrench on the other part that attaches to the small nozzle.

Have printed a few things since then without a problem. Not sure what caused the jam in the first place. Hopefully it was just a fluke.

-Mike Ogilvie
USA - Richmond, Virginia

Veröffentlicht : 01/09/2017 1:51 am